November 05, 2003

The Disaster Film Returns with The Day After Tomorrow Trailer.

Remember the Disaster Film? We haven't had a real solid one of those in a while. Sure, you could say 28 Days Later carried lots of worldwide disaster, same with Reign of Fire (which sucked) -- but the disaster in those flicks were the result of the focus - not the focus themselves. But "The Day After Tomorrow" is coming to put an end to the streak of survival and general happiness -- via the rapid global shift into the 2nd Ice Age.

In recent memory, the film released at the peak of Disaster-Film-itis is Independence Day in all of its Cheesy Monologue glory. And wouldn't ya know it? - The director, Roland Emmerich, wrote the story, the screenplay and also directed "The Day After Tomorrow". -- So, granted, that may not instill high hopes for story or plot (or recognition of any country other than the U.S.- A Memorial Day release even), but will almost guarantee enough destruction that would make Moses intimidated. Check out the Trailer to see the high levels of Plot-Substituting Carnage.

I must admit, I think the time-off from disaster films has been filled - because, as brainless as this will definately be, it sure looks delicious. Although Roland sure seems to have a fetish for destruction... and they always seem to conveniently destory landmarks like the White House or the Hollywood sign.

Posted by John Campea at November 5, 2003 02:53 AM


Is Independence Day really a disaster movie? I suppose I automaticaly associate 'natural' with 'disaster' but getting attacked by aliens doesn't seem like a disaster movie to me. On the other hand, Independence Day was smack dab in the middle all those asteroid and volcano movies. I guess Godzilla would count too if Independence Day does. This one looks original though. I've always wanted to see a good ice age flick.

Posted by: Ben at November 5, 2003 01:52 PM

Well, yes, I see your point. Independence Day (ID4), could classify as an "aliens" movie. I guess I'm looking more at what sold it - which was the disaster. Sure, you HAVE to have something causing it, but the shot in the trailer that sold me my ticket to ID4 was the wall of fire, travelling at 50 miles an hour, that engulfed an entire city block, blowing cars around as if they were dust -- and not necessarily "really cool alien ships".

ID4 still would've have been a movie, but without the massive amounts of screen time dedicated to a sick amount of destruction, it wouldn't have sold as much - well, in my opinion anyway - which, for some weird reason always happens to be right.

As far as Godzilla goes, you *could* classify it as disaster, unless you're talking about the American one, which I think the big lizard might have broken a window or two and that's it. (actually, I just didn't like it)

Posted by: D Lap at November 5, 2003 04:09 PM

This movie looks awesome. I love the shot at the end of the trailer, when they're heading into the snow covered New York city...

Posted by: Brad Pineau at November 7, 2003 12:12 AM