November 06, 2003

Ring 2 to be directed by... umm.. Some Guy.

Well this should be interesting.

Okay, I won't go into details of the problems I had with the American "Ring", but it mostly had to do with a completely altered background story. (I didn't say it was a BAD movie, I liked it, but I hated the revisions) The revisions were so heavy, that they need to completely re-write the Ring 2 as compared to the original Ring 2.

The newest news is who's directing it. Which is, as far as you're concerned - no one you've ever heard of: Noam Murro. Granted he's won Directing awards for directing Nike and Saturn commercials, which has promise, but this will be his feature film debut. I'm still really confused why Hideo Nakata can't direct this - or Dark Water. I mean, they were his babies overseas - which is where they got picked up in the first place.

Oh well, I hope for the stress level of this guy, that it works out for him. Go see Ring 2 when it comes out just to support him, won't ya?

Posted by John Campea at November 6, 2003 03:42 AM


I will!!

Posted by: peter at November 7, 2003 11:09 AM

Nakata IS directing Dark Water, or at least he was last time I heard ... Same as Shimizu is going to direct the english language remake of Juon.

Posted by: Todd rules Dave's ass. at November 8, 2003 10:29 AM

Ah yes,
Perhaps it's the agressive ruling of my ass that I forgot to post sources and stuff.
I can't remember what referred me to check out the imdb's entry on Dark Water but here's the listing..

-- oh, I think this was it -,12589,1053440,00.html

Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 8, 2003 01:00 PM

i think that the Ring was the best movie i have ever seen!!!!If you think it was bad, you have no good taste in scary movies. They better make anouther Ring sequal or i will shoot myself!!!

Posted by: Sarah Holly at November 10, 2003 07:17 PM

Well Sarah, the japanese version of Ring 2 was pretty good, although I felt it didn't quite wet my pants as much as I thought it would make me. -- However, like I said, this version will be significantly different (or so they say.)

I strongly recommend "Dark Water" if you can find a copy of it - it's being remade as well, but I really dug it.. very tense. and wet. (Get it?!?! Water?!?! I made a funny.)

Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 10, 2003 11:53 PM

I am guessing Gore Verbinski has his hands tied with the Pirates movies?

Posted by: Alison at November 13, 2003 05:40 PM