November 04, 2003

Hugo Weaving: The REAL star of the Matrix Trilogy


An enemy both to the machines and to the humans, Agent Smith is pursued by other agents, but as of “Reloaded,” he has the power to take any corporeal forms and turn it into a clone of himself. In the first scene in which we see Agent Smith in “Reloaded,” another agent recognizes him and gasps, “You!” Agent Smith dryly replies, “Yes, me.” He then jams his arm into the other agent, turning him into a second Agent Smith, which then drawls, “Me too.”

The dialogue may not be much on paper, but Weaving digs into the scene with such gusto — exaggerating every pause and consonant — that you can’t help laughing. Here he is, smack in the middle of this dull philosophy lecture, gnawing through the scenery like he’s William Shatner’s illegitimate son.

Agent Smith even gets a whole cheesy monologue about the way Neo “destroyed” him in the first “Matrix” movie — “I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now, here I stand because of you, Mr. Anderson,” and so forth — that’s straight out of “Star Trek”; all that’s missing is someone screaming “KHAN!” at the end of it.

I remember the first time I saw The Matrix I was totally amazed by the SMith character. I still think he is one of the most interesting screen villains of all time. And as the trilogy unfolds, it's becoming more and more clear that the Matrix isn't just about Neo... it's about Neo and Smith. I can't wait to see where it all leads.

Posted by John Campea at November 4, 2003 12:51 AM


Agent Smith was kind of scary when i first saw him, he was compelling and creepy and had something different that many screen villans have not got now-a-days. Pure brilliant!

Posted by: Striker at November 5, 2003 03:46 PM

In the first movie, Agent Smith is awesome. Without this character, The Matrix may be nothing. I love the scene when Morpheus was interrogated by Smith. Most of what The Architech revealed in second movie, has been revealed by Smith in first one (such as Neo is not the first one)..

I was disappointed of Smith's role in second movie. The Burly Brawl that should be a great scene turn into a very boring scene. Burly Brawl (and sex-scene of Neo and Trinity) makes Matrix Reloaded worse than its predecessor.

I read that Smith has a big role in Revolution. I hope it is true (Matrix Revolution will premiere in my country at December 20)

Posted by: kunderemp at November 9, 2003 10:37 AM

That guy looks like Elrond! Wait...

Posted by: SonOfArathorn at November 10, 2003 09:54 PM

ooh.. *THAT'S* where he's from!! Crap! I just lost five bucks.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at November 10, 2003 11:59 PM