November 17, 2003

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban trailer now online

The new trailer for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is on the web now and you can see it here.

I enjoyed the first Potter film. The second one I thought was a little dull and to be honest I'm not looking forward to seeing this third one at all. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm sensing a small yet growing apathy about the Potter franchise (at least when it comes to the films).

The movie will undoubtedly make over $200 Million, but I doubt it will clear $300 million. Time will tell. Perhaps its too early to be making such predictions since the first reviews aren't even in yet. What do you think? Are you looking forward to this one? Will it be good?

Posted by John Campea at November 17, 2003 09:47 AM


Another Harry Potter movie? Hasn't everyone got bored of it yet, or does everyone like un-original crappy sepecial effects movies????? It's just one big movie cashin, everyone open your damn eyes!!

Posted by: marek at November 17, 2003 11:14 AM

Many Potter fans claim the third book as their favorite. The story starts to
become mind-twisting at this stage. The new director, cinematographer,
cast additions (Gary Oldman, Emma Thompson, et al.)
will bring in new fans since this film seems like it is marketed toward a
slightly older audience than the first two. Teh subject matter is scarier
and more fun, and I really believe this movie will be better than just a step
up from Harry Potter anf the Chamber of Secrets.

Posted by: Alison at November 17, 2003 02:40 PM

I agree.. i liked the first, and the second was not as good. But the third will be the best, imho. I'm really looking forward to it.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at November 18, 2003 01:30 AM

Im a fan of the HP books, however i watched the first 2 movies and i was seriously bummed. I never seen a slow moving movie in my life. Ok maybe i have but i cant think of anything. I can't believe the first 2 movies they tried to fit every single detail in it. For God's sake they don't need to thats why its just called an adaption.

However, i just hope with the new director things will be a little more face paced. IF it doesn't it doesnt matter ill still buy the DVD because im just a geek.

Posted by: Trixxie at November 18, 2003 01:30 AM

In spite of the awful merchandising, the books remain one of the best I've ever read.
They're much better than the movies. However, I did enjoy the first and second HP
movies, even if they were a tad slow and I'm looking forward to this third one.

I hope WB adapts all 7 books to the big screen.

Posted by: Kate at December 15, 2003 09:29 PM

You people who are complaining that they are tired of the movies and that they keep getting worse, why don't you just keep your mouth shut and mind your own buisness. Maybe some people like the movies. I'm sure you like movies that other people will say is stupid or a waste of time and you probably get pissed so why don't you be considerate and let the people who enjoy those movies enjoy them instead of harassing them every chance you get!!

And I agree with the Kate girl. I hope they adapt all 7 books into movies!!

Posted by: Jeanette at December 16, 2003 05:30 PM

Yea I agree with Kate and Jeanette i mean if you don'tlike them thats fine but if ur gonna rag on them you should keep it to yourself. THE HARRY POTTER MVIES ARE GREAT THEY ARE PROBABLY JUST GONNA GET BETTER BECAUSE THE BOOKS ARE GETTING BETTER I JUST HOPE JK WILL COME OUT WITH THE 6TH ONE QUICK SO THERE :-p

Posted by: Brittany at December 22, 2003 07:45 PM

This is to Brittany and other Harry Potter fans wondering when the 6th HP book is going to come out~The release date for the 6th Harry Potter Book is supposed to be sometime in 2005, so I hope ur willing to wait! I couldn't believe it when I saw that online! I hope it's at the beginning of the year, like January!

Posted by: Jeanette at December 26, 2003 04:08 PM

U know what? i think those against HP books and movies are silly nutcases.Learn to get a life,people!

Posted by: Rucha at December 30, 2003 07:44 AM

"i think those against HP books and movies are silly nutcases?"
"You people who are complaining that they are tired of the movies and that they keep getting worse, why don't you just keep your mouth shut and mind your own buisness?"

Wow people... those are some of the most closed minded comments I've ever read on this site. Perhaps you should open your minds to other points of view other than your own. You don't have to agree, just be willing to allow others to have opinions other than yours and admit you're not always right.

Posted by: John Campea at December 30, 2003 11:57 AM

I'm a huge fan of the books, but, i was quite frankly very disipointed with the movies. I just don't think the subject matter is right for the big screen. It makes it seem so much less... dark. The books have a more gothic undertone, whereas all I could think of in the movie was "Little kids waving wooden sticks". However, the 3ed book was by far a plot twister and i am anxious to see the movie.

Posted by: Alee at January 4, 2004 08:28 PM

I'm a huge fan of the books, but, i was quite frankly very disipointed with the movies. I just don't think the subject matter is right for the big screen. It makes it seem so much less... dark. The books have a more gothic undertone, whereas all I could think of in the movie was "Little kids waving wooden sticks". However, the 3ed book was by far a plot twister and i am anxious to see the movie.

Posted by: Alee at January 4, 2004 08:28 PM

I'm a huge fan of the book as well, but the frankly I was a little disappointed with the first two as well. They didn't have to put everything that was in the book into the film. It caused the movie to tend to drag on and on but I still enjoyed seeing my favorite book on the big screen. It seemed to me that the darkness of the film version wasn't there at all and they seemed ot pull away from the greater meaning of the book. If the parents of the younger children have already read the book to their children, then they already have the images in their minds and I don't think it would bother them at all to see them in the movie. I meen for goodness sake if a 9 year old has already seen Braveheart then the darker parts of the book and film would not bother tham at all. But thats just me. All in all the third movie looks very promising and I can't wait until it comes out in June.

Posted by: Justine at January 5, 2004 05:29 PM

you are all crazy...yes the books are awesome and the movies can not even compare but the movies have been incredible and i can not wait to see the third one...the first and second movie have been great...

Posted by: Amara at January 9, 2004 11:46 PM

I can't wait until the third movie comes out because I loved the first and second movie and I have them and I am defenitly going to get the third when it gets released so watch out stores here I come!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Veronica Allen at January 10, 2004 01:32 PM

well about the movies i think they didnt put enough time and detail in them they were disgrace to the books i think and ive read each one at least a dozen times but her movies stink i think she should stick to writing so we can enjoy them instead of a stupid movie that is created way to fast to be any good. but the 6trh book is suppose to bring sirius back to life by a spell harry finds in a book he buys. so if it has nothing else in the book it will still be good if it has that i think

Posted by: Mandie jo at January 14, 2004 12:09 AM

This is to John C. Did you ever think that maybe Jeanette and Rucha might actually have had enough it!! Do you know how many people get criticized for liking Harry Potter and then you get to go on a site to talk about it but just get harasses?? I'm in 9th grade and I hate it when I carry a HP book around and everyone's like they are so stupid!! I really have had enough of everyone complaining about the HP movies and what they think. Well maybe then the people who hate the HP movie's should and I quote... " [their] minds to other points of view other than [their] own. [They] don't have to agree, just be willing to allow others to have opinions other than [their's] and admit [they're] not always right." I guess those words would sound familiar...right??

Posted by: Miranda at January 22, 2004 05:40 PM

Dear Miranda

This is a site for people to talk about movies. It's ok for someone to dislike a movie and say why they disliked it... even Harry Potter movies. What is NOT ok is for people to say they didn't like it and call Harry Potter fans names. The same is true in reverse. It's ok to like the Harry Potter movies and say why you like them, but it's NOT ok to call people who disagree with you names.

As far as I can tell, no one on this site or in this comments section has said anything negative about Harry Potter fans. I'm glad you like the Potter films. Keep writing about what you like about them. Just remember that other people can say they don't like them too.

Posted by: John Campea at January 22, 2004 10:23 PM

i think the books are alot better then the movies i have read all five books and can't wait to the sixth book comes out if anyone has any info when the 6th book is coming out please email me at [email protected]

Posted by: christina at February 1, 2004 07:56 PM

I love the books and the movies. The third is my favorite book, and I'm positive it'll be my favorite movie.

To all you people who think the movies drag on REMEMBER: There is important things in the books that J.K. wants in the movies.

Also, remember, how bad would it be to cut out most of the book?

Frankly, I think it's a slap in the face if they don't include a lot of things. She spent YEARS writing these stories, and making up the plots along with character make-up. If I were her I'd want the movies to have important details though not be four hours long.

I would see a four hour long Harry Potter movie, anyway.

Posted by: Lauren at February 2, 2004 06:05 PM

I love Harry Potter!! I have read all of the five books, twice. I love the movies too. I am so excited for the release of the third movie.

Posted by: Maureen at March 24, 2004 11:46 AM

John Campea's an ass!! I hate him I think he should just leave this blog! He's arrogant and rude! He gets in otha pplz buisness that don't concern him! That's all i gotta say about him! I luv the harry potter books!! They're awesome!! The one thing I don't get tho, is how do ppl sit there and look through the book so many times, that they can pick out all the mistakes that JK s'posedly made!??! I tried it like once, and omg, it was so hard! LOL!

Posted by: Brienna at April 11, 2004 12:55 PM

Brienna, John Campea founded this blog which means that everything that happens here IS his business and he is well within his rights to lay out basic rules of behavior for people to follow if they want to use the blog which he designed and maintains. Further his laying down of the rules was done is a very courteous fashion which was not at all deserving of your response which, quite frankly, was both rude and immature. Behave yourself or go post elsewhere.

As to the content of the new movies ... I heard word a day or two ago that the Dursley's will not appear in the fourth film at all to trim down the run time. Apparently the actor who plays Dursley went to Rowling and asked her to apply pressure to have him re-inserted in the film and she refused. Simple fact is that as you get into the later books they are just far too long to adapt word for word and things are going to have to be cut, and if this is any indication, JK is perfectly fine with that ...

Posted by: Bubba at April 11, 2004 03:50 PM

Um.... Mandie jo, may I just point out that Rowling did not do the movies? Her input was used, yes, but obviously it would have been limited since she is, after all, a writer, not a director. Use some noggin, kiddo.

Posted by: Sophia at May 13, 2004 12:18 PM

I am an adult who read the books to my daughter and got hooked myself. I loved the books as well as the two movies. The music in the first two movies was so mystical and magical. The movies were also like the book. HOWEVER,,, THE THIRD MOVIE AZKABAN WAS AWFUL. I understand the "coming of age concept" and the director putting his own spin on things but, that could have been achieved without changing the layout of hagrid's cottage and the whomping willow. Also, the characters were filthy. Just because they were witches and wizards does not mean they can't take a bath. I mean look at Dumbledore's nails Arrhhh!!! The guy that played the wizard in the Lord of the Rings would have been a great Dumbledore. Lastly, when doing a movie stick to the story of the book and, PLEASE!! PLEASE!!! do not remove things that happened in the book and make up stuff, an example would be Lupin the werewolf chasing Harry and Hermione. I for one am glad for a new director and hope to see Columus come back. Please get the Lord of the Rings guy to play Dumbledore. and remember Harry is only as good as his supporting characters. put them back in the movies more often. I missed Ron ,and Ms. McGongall. Also, I missed Dumbledore giving Harry advice at the end of the movie. It made Harry feel better and opened the premise for the next movie.

Posted by: Donna at June 22, 2004 03:48 PM