November 19, 2003


Plans are in the works to have a new Goonies movie and some rumours were flitting about that it was going to be called the GROONIES.
Aint it cool news reports:

Been poking around a bit on this whole "Groonies" thing... it just doesn't sound right, and sure enough it isn't. The current working title on the script by Michael (X2/CHARLIE CHAN/WAKE THE DEAD) Dougherty and his sometimes writing partner Dan (X2/IMAGINARY HEROES) Harris isn't GROONIES, but rather... "GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE"!!! Now that's a title! Turns that the "Groonies" thing all came from a misunderstanding from an interview with Richard Donner. You see, in the film the group of new kids in the story get the name of the original group mixed up and call themselves "Groonies" then are set right by the original gang. Apparently it is a one line gag in the movie.

So the basic plot of it is this: The new group is called the Groonies, because they happen to live in a town where [Data], the Chinese kid, lives ... and he's got an electronics repair shop and all the new kids hang out at his shop. He has this Chinese accent and when recanting old stories he calls the Goonies the Groonies, and so the new kids call themselves the Groonies, until they get into a situation where the old Goonies have to save the new Groonies, or vice versa.

The "groonies" thing doesnt stick long as they are soon corrected and get the proper homage in line. Its told to include Cory Feldman and this may likely be the only way this creepy Corey can get work is to star in sequels to those 80's movies when he was popular. The only other noted and most accomplished Goonie alumni would be Sean Astin (Lord of the Rings)

I am a pure 80's kid at heart, but I am not sure how I will feel about the return of old Goonies and their Muppet Babies Generation Y counterparts. Could have some of the magic of the original, or it may come across as a cheap attempt to cash in on some nostalgia.

Posted by John Campea at November 19, 2003 01:41 PM


Yes,.. I agree - the Goonies was a great movie - but for Nostalgic reasons only. I saw the movie when I was a kid, and loved it. I dunno if I'd like a new one.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at November 19, 2003 02:43 PM

The goonies was a great little adventure movie that i LOVED when i was younger, a new one would ge great but i think it would be for the new generation and not the old.

Posted by: Ash at November 19, 2003 03:04 PM

Goonies is a cool movie but forget a sequel. That's the dumbest idea ever. Even I know that, and my breath stinks.

My breath smells like utter dookie.

Have a blessed day.

Posted by: Steve Tagliere at November 20, 2003 01:06 PM

I think a sequel could be really sweet, if its done right. Of course the way the one guy describes it, it sounds like pure crap. Of course the guy could be talking out his ass, as most people do. I could write a better sequel than that guy explained.

Posted by: marty at December 13, 2003 12:17 PM

"that guy" was the writer of the proposed script for the sequel. Obviously paraphrased for the sake of the interview it was quoted from. Since nothing is in stone yet, its likely you still have a chance knocking this Michael Doherty guy out of a job. He co-wrote some movie called XMen 2, but I guess thats not at your level of writing yet. I suggest foregoing the McDonalds career and headed to Hollywood if you think you can do better. Just a thought

Posted by: Rodney at December 13, 2003 03:31 PM

is it even filming yet

Posted by: goonie_fan_15 at August 14, 2004 10:12 PM