November 11, 2003

Filmmaker Slams Corporations For Those Stupid Theatre Commercials!

I have a new hero. Well, besides this guy.

That hero goes by the name of Jon Derevlany. He's executive producer and writer of "Animal Jam" and who used to play my hero-of-days-gone-by: Crackers the Corporate Crime Fighting Chicken on Michael Moore's "TV Nation".

He was biting back about Studios griping about piracy, but then continues on about stealing his time. In today's L.A. Times, he says this:

"Piracy is generally about the unauthorized taking or use of someone else's property. I did not authorize anyone to show me these commercials. I did not authorize anyone to take my time and sell it to an advertiser. Nowhere in the theater that charges me $9.50 [Ed Note: or 13.50 where I live] for a ticket does it say my time and attention will be 'pirated' by these other corporate entities. I believe piracy works both ways..."
Yeah! You tell him cha-chi!.. Anyone wanna start a petition at about this? That might be nice. Frankly, I'm sick of these commercials.. especially that commercial with the stupid family. While yer at it, read "Dude, Where's My Country." Like, whoa.

Posted by John Campea at November 11, 2003 02:14 AM


I totally agree.. I'm sick of those commercials. Very annoying.

Posted by: Brad Pineau at November 11, 2003 11:12 PM

"Corporate" or not, I don't care for the pre-movie runaround. (maybe trailers, just maybe) I don't care if Coca-Cola, or the AdCouncil force me to sit through their crap. Personally, I hope no one tries to cram their politcals ads into the beginning of a movie a year from now...and if any of them try a flash-ad hijacking of my computer....

Either way, it's nice to see that the public backlash is starting up. I've heard some people are calling up and asking the theathers when the actual movies starts, and telling them they are giving false advertising.

Posted by: David Poe at November 12, 2003 02:04 AM

I forgot!! Strong Bad is my hero too....but Homsar is far more cool ("I was raised by a cup of coffee!!")

Posted by: David Poe at November 12, 2003 02:06 AM

Man, great to see someone thinks the way I do. I am so sick and tired of those commercials. What tha heck is this? I say to myself. Then that stupid commercial comes on about movie if that stunt guy doesn't get paid because of piracy. I'm sitting there thinking..dang, I should start doing that to get away from these commercials!!! The nerve making me pay an arm and a leg to watch commercials! I'm leaning more and more toward piracy!! I love pirates....

Posted by: Joe at December 19, 2004 12:56 AM