November 24, 2003

Best Gothika review yet

Ok, for the record I think this movie looks more decrepit than Michael Jackson’s face. I came across this great quote from Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe:

"This is a D-list starlet's movie, something that should have ended up in Denise Richards's lap."
Besides Robert Downey Jr. making a return to the big screen, I see nothing enticing about this flick.

Posted by John Campea at November 24, 2003 11:03 PM


I saw the movie an hour ago.....wish I hadn't. Predictable...slow moving...flat... no gratuitous nipple scene...nothing....oh yes...but if you play spot the mistakes games...its kinda fun. Things to look out for...bandages on the wrong arm....smashed cars that magically fix themselves...major plot holes.. and more! Enjoy and serve hot.

Posted by: dave-bro at November 25, 2003 04:01 AM

I was going to see this on Friday. Maybe I'll catch something else.. I usually don't pay much attention to reviews (I actually liked Matrix 3) but some of my friends said not to bother seeing this movie...

Posted by: Brad Pineau at November 25, 2003 07:34 PM

I wanted to see this movie some time ago, Halle Berry is a very good actor who sadly starred in a pile fo shit called Die Another she is in the upcoming Catwomen, what is she playing at?? But i have decided not to see it in fear that it is just another hollywood trash that will end up in the hollywood bins. Halle Berry seriously better get her act together and star in some decent movies. But for all i know i could like this but i doupt it.

Posted by: striker at November 26, 2003 02:51 AM

I'm sure this movie will be an inspiration for a myriad of "Gothika Sucked" websites around the world. Even in horribly deprived countries where the village must pool their net wealth together in order to keep the site going.....providing there's enough bitter people out there with some time on their hands. (of course there is! we bitter people rock! USA! USA! USA! U...oh..Im not american...and it has nothing to do with what this forum's about....sounded right though...crap I always do that..)(insert soound of Kevin bashing himself with an already dusty dvd copy of daredevil here).)

Posted by: kevinator at November 30, 2003 12:17 PM

i could feel the rage build inside me as i watched this lameo wannabe ring copy, ithad every cheap horror movie trick that i havent be scared by since i was five years old , i mean how many hollywood assholes had to rubberstamp this project to get it made , thats it im gonna write my own movie ,it would never be as bad as this shit,robert downey was ok i guess

Posted by: john at December 28, 2003 08:25 AM

u al suc bar dic n tin

Posted by: lee at January 1, 2004 07:46 PM

Turn the f***ing lights on, get the techs to colour correct all that annoying blue, (if you light the place, you might be able to see escaping prisoners), SPEAK UP Robert, or maybe you just need your own subtitles, Halle and THAT GUY? There's suspension of disbelief and there's that. And Chloe - wasn't she in jail for killing a guy? So... they let her out... why? And Halle, how come she's allowed to kill two people, neither in self defence, and gets to walk free?

Very little in this film rang true, some good acting from Halle its only redeeming feature.

Frankly, the title 'Gothika' was wasted on this film.

Posted by: BDG at September 16, 2004 12:05 AM

Hardly anybody gets to see the best movies made every year. Movies with heart, soul, real emotion. At the Spiritual Cinema Circle, we go to dozens of film festivals every year to find great movies that will never make it to your local theater or video store. If you liked Whalerider, Field of Dreams, and The Matrix then you're going to love the undiscovered treasures the Spiritual Cinema Circle finds for you. Bryian. Visit us at

Posted by: Spiritual Movie Club at November 1, 2004 05:34 PM

Geez this movie was lame, a copy off every other pysch/supernatural thriller lately. Cliche horror tricks and a far fetched plot, not to mention that any former doctor would never be housed with their former patients in prison, not to mention being locked in the pen even before arraignment. Just a rather stupid movie for stupid people made by stupid lazy hollywood buttholes.

Posted by: Josh at January 29, 2005 11:37 AM