October 14, 2003

Want Tickets for the Extended Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon?

You Do???... In That Case....

GOOD      F***ING      LUCK

Since the list of locations and tickets for the Extended Viewings of the first two LOTR movies went on sale, tickets have become more scarce then my brushes with female intimacy. (By the way, the list of cities can be found here.)

And now, (at the time of writing being more than two MONTHS away) the only place to get tickets is where everybody is honest and and true: Ebay.

No, seriously, do an ebay search for "Lord Ring Tickets" or just click this and check out some of the massive numbers piling up. At the time of this writing, the tickets for the screening in San Fran have 27 bids, and is going for 355 bucks - US - And there's STILL TWO AND A HALF DAYS left to bid!!!

And as it would seem, if you're Canadian, you can just sit in the corner and chew on some onions - because we're not on the location list at all.

Posted by John Campea at October 14, 2003 04:34 PM


Umm. . . I probably shouldn't say this to anyone, but, uh . . ., I have two tickets to the Marathon . . . (waiting for the tomatoes to be flying in my direction).

I was lucky because I have a friend who works at a theatre where they'll be showing this event and she called me up and asked if I wanted to get 2 tickets out of the 13 left. I said, "Hell yea!"

I would not pay $335 dollars on eBay for tickets when you could pay $7.50 the day after to see the movie.

Anyway, not to rub it in or anything. BTW, my friend who was going with me said he might not go. So I might have an extra ticket left. Anyone wanna go with me??? :)

Posted by: James at October 19, 2003 02:36 AM

You mock, tempt and tease.

And I hate you for it.


Posted by: D Lap at October 19, 2003 02:39 AM

I want tickets so bad. I have been getting on ebay for a mnth looking for tickets. I am such a fan. I wish I could win the lotto and fly somewhere warm to go...I could at least stay there another day and soak up sun. I live in St.Louis area. If any one know of any tickets please email me./

Posted by: Amy at November 7, 2003 02:26 PM