September 06, 2003

Wanna Go Straight to the Front of the Line????

Now, those of you who are film oriented and have been to the Toronto Film Festival know how long the stupid Single Ticket Line-Up can be, right? Well, allow me to end your trials. We all know that it's supposed to be "First Come First Serve" -- but what it really means is "First Come with 7 hours to spare, First Serve". Well, sit tight because on Monday, September 8, you'll find me standing in line FOR you. - You want a ticket? I'll stand in that blasted line until I get one. Folks, that could save you all day, and you'll actually GET to see the movie you want. The only question left is.... what's it worth to you? -- I'm not kidding folks. Write me: -- [email protected].

Posted by John Campea at September 6, 2003 02:04 AM

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