September 26, 2003

Suing Fox over League

It would appear the mediochre hero flick based on Allan Moore's popular graphic novel League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is still getting attacked, but for all new, all different reasons. Now some suckers think they can sue Fox because they begged them to do it 10 years ago and Fox thought it wouldn sell.

Superhero Hype reports:

In a lawsuit filed Thursday in U.S. District Court, producer Martin Poll and screenwriter Larry Cohen accused 20th Century Fox of stealing their ideas for the summer action flick, which starred Sean Connery. Cohen, who wrote the thriller "Phone Booth," and Poll, whose credits include 1968's "The Lion in Winter" and Woody Allen's "Love and Death," say in the lawsuit that they discussed a similar idea with Fox executives in 1993, only then the movie was called "Cast of Characters."

It's very clear that this movie was based on the less-than-mainstream graphic novel by the same name. True League fans were this movie's worst critics as this film is only loosely based on Moore's book. Why would Fox do this idea now instead of the old take on it in 93? The new wave of Superhero movies are permission to print money and the underground comic industry is thriving better than ever. Comic Book stores are the new concept factories for fiction films.

I really think these goons are kicking themselves for filing this suit since they don't stand a chance of winning this since it is clear where Fox got the idea and why they are using it now instead of 10 years ago.

Posted by John Campea at September 26, 2003 08:10 PM