August 26, 2003

The Most Expensive DVD in the Universe. Tremors.

Okay granted, I'm sure there's a more expensive one somewhere but folks, this really frazzles my butt.

I love Tremors. It's a great movie. I have nearly every line downpat - Every cuss from Kevin Bacon to Michael Gross' fantastic commentaries on his stockpile of military weapons. (That's even a cool SENTENCE!) However, I can't and WON'T enjoy this movie from the comfort of my own home because IT'S TOO BLEEDING EXPENSIVE. The SINGLE DVD!!!-- not a 2, 3 or 4 disc set.. the SINGLE DVD is or 40, sometimes 50 bucks!!!!! WHAT IN SAM-BLAZES IS THAT?!?!

HMV - 44 - 49 bucks
Sunrise records - 45 bucks
Sam The Communist Record Man : 53 BUCKS!!

Does the dvd come with a cool poster? Free Friends? University Diplomas? No - It comes with JACK SQUAT! (Mind you, it does have a COUPLE actual special Features (see below). But folks, that's all the bang your getting for your Half a C-Bill of money BEFORE taxes!!

Why is this DVD so expensive? Who can I write to so I can complain about this? Why can't they over charge for something stupid like "Eddie and the Cruisers"?? I hope whoever's trying to grab as much cash as they can knows the only reason I've never bought it, it's because it's so frickin unreasonable.

Posted by John Campea at August 26, 2003 02:40 PM


Hey John, just asking, did you ever get the Tremors DVD? Surely your shops there have a sale?

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 08:20 PM