August 08, 2003

New Superman movie moving forward.

New Superman movie moving forward. Unfortunately.
According to Ain't It Cool News, the new Superman project is on. When I first heard they were going to remake Superman about 2 years ago, I was thrilled. At the time Oscar winner Nicolas Cage was going to don the tights. Then, for several reasons the whole project fell apart. Now, I'm hoping this film NEVER gets made for 3 very important reasons:

1) McG is signed on to direct. The only real film credits to his stupid name (come on… what kind of name is "McG"?) are the Charlie's Angels flicks. Neither of them was brilliant, and the second one was just painful. To let this guy direct Superman is an abomination against nature and all that is holy (perhaps I'm exaggerating a little). He's good for films like Angels, and maybe even other comic based films, but Superman needs to be approached much differently.

2) Ashton Kutcher is rumored to play the Man of Steel. I feel myself slipping into a murderous rage. Are they kidding!?!? "Dude where's my car" boy as Superman? Why do they feel the need to rape whatever dignity the big "S" deserves? Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Kutcher. He's fine on projects like the 70's show, and you've got to tip your cap to any man who's dating Demi Moore, BUT HE'S NOT SUPERMAN! He's a Hollywood hottie who makes little pre-teen girls scream, that's it, and apparently that's all Warner Brothers really cares about. By the way, have you seen the HORRIBLE trailer for his new film My Boss's Daughter yet?

3) Drew Barrymore is said to be the front runner for Lois Lane. Do I really have to point out how much of a travesty this would be?

It's obvious our friends at WB are only interested in making a teenie bopper version of Superman. This is truly sad. Couldn't they get even one actual grown up to work on this film? It looks like instead of the epic I've been hoping for, we're just going to get a pathetic Saturday morning WB cartoon version. How very very sad for us all.

Posted by John Campea at August 8, 2003 07:45 PM


if the new superman movie fails to be a quality production , its gonna be a major disappointment because superman is one of our beloved american icons , just like batman and all the other super heroes many of us grew up with. these super heroes was what all young boys growing up fantasied about being. having superhuman powers, fighting skills, getting the beautiful girl, those attributes appeals to the feelings of invicibilty every young man experiences in his youth. any super heroe movie should be done right. not just some overhyped rewritten , empty shell of a movie that relies on special effects. batman was quality because the storyline was believable. the movie's had a unique style that appealed to adults as well as adolescents. thats important in a movie especially about comic book characters. the more believable these types of movies are. the better it will appeal to a more mature audience. the new superman should retain the majority of its essence and originality, but it should have a unique style and be written for modern times. batman was dark and brooding. and his relationship with vicki vale was more adult than supermans with lois lane in the old superman movies. in the new superman there should be substantially more violence and bloodletting, and should reflect superman in a more chaotic world than the last movies. corrupt police, gangsters international drug trafficking. lex luther should be a corporate shark who is involved in every criminal activity from coporate fraud to drug trafficking and prostitution. his corporation has corrupted international diplomats and governments and has fueled wars and food shortages the corporation plans on ruling the world , lex luther (anti-christ figure). superman comes from an advanced civilization in the future sort of like the lost world of atlantis. they were human but they escaped to another man made planet , they were highly advanced in the sciences and they obliterated all things that were negative from their new society. they lived in a virtual utopia (heaven) superman was sent as a baby as a sort of goodwill diplomat to save humanity from itself, he keeps in contact with his parents while growing up. when he comes of age, the planet is partially destroyed and he loses contact with his parents for a few scenes. lois lane is also the object of affection for kent's boss. even though they work in the same department she barely knows clark kent exists. clark kents character should only be shown as him developing an obsession for lois lane. shes seductive and lures superman to her with the goal to to reveal his identity. the attraction is reversed , superman is obsessed with her and she leads him on with alterior motives. she likes him but likes her blooming career too. the action climax twist is when supermans parents die on earth during a huge superhuman battle. when the planet was being destroyed, many kryptons escape as fast as they can along with clarks parents escape thru the same portal superman came thru. well the planet was being detroyed thru a civil war (war in heaven) and now those last remaining survivors bring the war to earth. imagine thousands of these beings fighting all over earth simutaneously destroying it in the process. while the earth humans look on all basic services have been shut out no lights water food , its total chaos. the advanced humans all destroy themselves except superman, because he is immprisoned in kryptonite during the war by lex luther. supermans powers should be the same basic powers but amplified. the flying scenes should be radically different, i dont know how but they have to be. maybe the flying scenes should be shot from superman's perspective and not the observers, but u will feel like your flying too.

Posted by: tony davis at September 14, 2003 07:03 AM

Dude, Breathe.

Posted by: Dave at September 14, 2003 12:23 PM

I'm sorry, but your rewriting the story of Superman is worse than Ashton Kutcher playing the part(as devestating as that would be).

Posted by: Risen at October 25, 2003 03:22 PM

"devastating," with an "A". Always proofread, kids.

Posted by: Risen at October 25, 2003 03:29 PM


Posted by: BIGPAPA at October 30, 2003 10:17 PM

is it just me or did that "rewrite" contradict his openning statement. Tony Davis points out that Superman is a cultural icon and the importants of doing the movie right and true is imparitive to its success but then contradicts himself and offers a rewrite of the story that has Kryptonians being earthlings who escapted to Krypton only to send its last son back?

Blasphemy. The key to good superhero movies is NOT to screw around with continuity. These movies are being sold first and foremost to the comicbook reading fanboys and hopes to flow over to those who do not read as well. Perfect example: Batman 1&2 (Burton Directing) captured the true essence of the comic book and did not deviate from that icon's history. Batman 3&4 (Schumacher directing) which changed the whole thing to the campy 60's version that was more dork neon than dark knight and the franchise died.

Leave the stories the way they were. It worked the first time, why change it. You are just hanging yourself if you re-write comicbook history for the sake of a film. It wont work, and hasn't.

Posted by: Rodney at October 31, 2003 09:32 AM

1. There better be no Ashton Kuchi, or Drew Les-(barrymore) in any superman movie. If there is prepare for the second coming!

Posted by: Dana at November 10, 2003 12:57 AM

I don't like superman, so i don't care about it but i feel your pain!

Posted by: Susan at November 10, 2003 02:57 AM

DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM
DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM
DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM

Posted by: Anonymous at February 20, 2004 08:53 PM

The best superman for right now would be Josh Hartnet. The dude on smallville is horrible. Josh Hartnet could be bumbling enough around Lois Lane, like his character in the almost good movie Pearl Harbor, to be Clark Kent and chiseled enough to be Superman. Personally, if I hear anything about Ashton Kuchi, Drew Barriesmoremovies, or Justin Timberdyke, I will recommend to George we bomb the hell out of WB and hand its reigns to someone slightly less incompetent.

Posted by: tony at July 11, 2004 03:00 PM

Holy crap, that first post is LOOOOOONNNNGGGGG....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at July 11, 2004 09:36 PM

Right now the guy from smallville would be the
the best choice,he basically grew into the part
of superman ,hands dowwnnn!

Posted by: gholden at July 16, 2004 10:44 AM

I am asking who's ever making this moive......DO NOT PUT DREW OR ASHTON IN THE MOIVE....This will not work, there's no talking or even thinking about them 2 cause they don't make moives like that(meaning that good)....this moive can b bigger then sprider man if and only if the director's make it right and use the right actor's...holler

Posted by: Geno at July 20, 2004 02:25 PM

As cool as it would be to have the big shots who make the movies we blab about actually read this site, I do think its unlikely.

But thank you very much for thinking we have connections that high up.

I also dont want Drew or Ashton in Superman. It will just turn it into a quirky goofy comedy. Only an idiot would do that.

Oh... who is that idiot putting Jack Black in the Green Lantern Movie?

But please see our more recent post about the Superman project.

Posted by: Rodney at July 20, 2004 02:45 PM

You are all a bunch of wanna be loosers who dont have a fu@#ing clue about superman! Josh Harnet?!? you idiot! go back home and get some warm milk to make you sleep, from your fat momy!
Secondly the guy sfrom smallville? and Ashton?!?
Please people! show some interest in the comic! Superman is no 51/1 feet tall soft little momies boy! SHIT!
6 foot 2 at least, wide in the shoulders and a jaw line that is like no other, a perfect nose and a brow that is square like the rest of his hard but symmetrically perfect face. He has a thick neck and MUSCLES! anyone heard of them?
None of these actors can play the part, no one in hollywood can play this part, they have to find him and train him to be superman.
Thats all I have to say!

Posted by: Preda-King at July 21, 2004 03:54 AM

You are all a bunch of wanna be loosers who dont have a fu@#ing clue about superman! Josh Harnet?!? you idiot! go back home and get some warm milk to make you sleep, from your fat momy!
Secondly the guy sfrom smallville? and Ashton?!?
Please people! show some interest in the comic! Superman is no 51/2 feet tall soft little momies boy! SHIT!
6 foot 2 at least, wide in the shoulders and a jaw line that is like no other, a perfect nose and a brow that is square like the rest of his hard but symmetrically perfect face. He has a thick neck and MUSCLES! anyone heard of them?
None of these actors can play the part, no one in hollywood can play this part, they have to find him and train him to be superman.
Thats all I have to say!

Posted by: Preda-King at July 21, 2004 03:54 AM

It has already been proven that when adapting super heros to film, you dont have to be spot on perfect with the character.

Kingpin in Daredevil is played by the monstrous Michael Clarke Duncan who still isnt big enough to be the Kingpin, and he is black.

Batman was best portrayed by Michael Keaton, and he is a measly 5'10".

Tom Welling is an appropriate 6'2" and plays a perfect young Superman, but wont likely take the role of Superman unless Smallville was leading up to it.

I am not saying Josh Harnet is a contender, but don't be suprised if some Mister Universe bodybuilder isnt going to be playing BigBlue.

Please, before cussing and misspelling your empty insults about my "momy", stop, breath and make some constructive argument to back up your point.

Posted by: Rodney at July 21, 2004 04:58 AM

And before you go freaking out on people you should take a deep breath and realize that both Kutcher and Hartnett were called in to screen test back when McG was still attached to direct. Like them or not they're legitimate options being considered by the powers that be. If you must rant, direct your rants there.

Posted by: Bubba at July 21, 2004 06:56 AM

I totally think Tom Welling from Smallville deseves the part as superman. Might as well he has already done 4 years of playing Clark Kent. But the only problem is he refuses to play Superman for some reason but he should I only vote for him, the other guys are a joke. And they need a good lois lane too, Drew Barrymore dont think so. They need to put more thought into that because superman cant be a disappointment. Superman has to be better than Spiderman if possible.

Posted by: Adrianna at July 22, 2004 08:19 PM

WB studios should research some more before they make a huge mistake

Posted by: kal-el at July 25, 2004 06:51 PM

A JLA movie would be a good first start before they screw up a legend...

Posted by: kal-el at July 25, 2004 07:02 PM

Just a tip "Kal-el" but a JLA movie would have to include Superman. And with that many BIG names, it would be too easy to screw them up even worse.

I could see them creating a Batman movie, a REAL Green Lantern movie (not this Jack Black garbage) and a Superman movie, Wonder Woman, etc. THEN trying JLA (same actors etc).

Now THAT would rock.

Posted by: Rodney at July 26, 2004 12:39 AM

I con already see it, no matter what anyone says, or what the WB hear people saying, these people are going to screw the superman movie up so bad it wont even be funny.

Posted by: Patch at July 26, 2004 12:49 PM

I mean "can". And personnally, I think Michael Clarke Duncan played a perfect Kingpin.

Posted by: Patch at July 26, 2004 12:52 PM

Just a tip "Rodney" the big S was not an original founding member of the JLA..

Posted by: kal-el at July 26, 2004 09:24 PM

Members include Aquaman, Manhunter, G.L, Flash,& Black Canary

Posted by: kal-el at July 26, 2004 09:53 PM

If you can remember several yrs ago, a tv show called the Flash, i thought it went well the first couple of episodes. With the advances in the tech. that we have now, i think we are ready to try a JLA motion pic...

Posted by: kal-el at July 26, 2004 10:38 PM

I do know the founding members of the JLA. The Justice League of America blazed into action in BRAVE & BOLD #28 and The original Justice League line up consisted of seven charter members-Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and J'Onn J'Onzz the Manhunter from Mars

In case you doubt me check this link which contains the history of the JLA.

There have been over 140 members of the JLA since its beginnings, so you would be hard pressed to find a hero worth mentioning in the DC universe that WASNT a JLA member.

Pleas do not challenge me without first doing your homework, "Kal-El"

Posted by: Rodney at July 27, 2004 03:06 AM

********** Help*********** !! I am a recording artist with a great song about superman. I would like sumitt to whom ever I can to get it on the Up coming sound track, if someone could point me in the right direction,I Will cut you in on the profits. [email protected]

Posted by: mike at July 30, 2004 01:55 PM

Again, this is a website that REPORTS movie news, rumous and general commentary on the movie business.

What we are not, is an agency. I suggest you read the thread about the Pirates of the Caribbean Open Casting calls (there are none) and read just how little contact we actually have with the "movie machine"

Since you are a recording artist, I suggest you contact your management, label or agent and ask them to get your work submitted. If you do not have any of those, then its not likely that you are a recording artist. Just a hopeful musician. I wish you luck.

Posted by: Rodney at July 30, 2004 02:20 PM

I'll go a step beyond what Rodney said: don't waste your time. Superman's being made by Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers is one of the five (actually four now ... two just merged) major media conglomerates that controls 80% of recorded music worldwide. Thus the soundtrack will be made up exclusively of artists signed to Warner owned labels. It's called convergence. If you haven't already sold your soul to Warners you aren't going to be on there.

Posted by: Bubba at July 30, 2004 11:58 PM

The first time superman meet the JLA was when they where fighting Xotar. Superman helped them defeat him. Thats when they ask him to join the
JLA. There was Aquaman,Green Lantern,Flash,Black Canary and J'Onn J'Onzz

By Roger Stern

They nominated him in but he declined. He said I'm
flattered. and I'd be honored to join. If I could
devote the time to your League that membership
demands. But my time is not my own. I'm afraid I cannot accept your nomination

Posted by: rob at August 4, 2004 08:34 PM

The Life and Death of Superman by Roger Stern is a novel BASED on the events of the Death of Superman, Reign of the Supermen, and Return of Superman in the comics. All told, about 18 months of comics. To quote Barnes & Noble, "It tells the dramatic tale of Superman's ultimate battle, expanding on the story line found in the bestselling comic book series of all time"

Stern added plenty to make the novel BASED on the comic series story arc.

It is not considered canon in the DC universe any more than you could connect the Jurassic Park movies to the novels.

Not to mention that the events of that book refect a story arc in the early 90's. Whereas Justice League of America made its first appearance in The Amazing World of DC Comics #14 (1977) - with Superman on the roster.

Superman was not always a member of the League, but he is a founding member.

Posted by: Rodney at August 4, 2004 11:08 PM

Man you guys are dorks. I was having a really boring day at work, and then I read all your rants about a movie and laughed

Posted by: chuck u farley at August 9, 2004 07:26 AM

Dorks we may be, but at least we enjoy what we do.

I wish I had a job so boring that someone would PAY ME to surf the web all day and do NOTHING for my employer.

Don't bother with the reply, because it will just prove that you enjoy our site enough to come back, and you clearly dont want us to think that.

Posted by: Rodney at August 9, 2004 01:01 PM

Thanks for clearing that up for me rodney. I thought Roger Stern got his imformation from all the comic books. I didn't think he fabricated a lot of the story.

Posted by: rob at August 9, 2004 11:22 PM

I never said I didn't enjoy your site. Like I said. I laughed. It's entertaining. Although probably not the way you'd hope it to be.

Posted by: chuck u farley at August 10, 2004 07:27 AM

whether or not superman was an original member of JLA, the big wigs in hollywood would never think of not sticking such a famous and crowd pleasing caracture into a movie. infack im surprised that they havnt stuck him into other random movies just to increase ticket sales

Posted by: Ben at August 16, 2004 09:09 PM

Christopher Reeve head shots...that's classic man. Better yet, they could digitally remove the wheelchair. Moron.

Posted by: Chuck U Farley at August 17, 2004 01:01 AM

It would be possible. Technology is a wonderous thing. FOr the record "Chuck" they wouldnt have to digitally remove the wheelchair for a HEADSHOT. "Moron"

Anyways, it is very unlikely since Reeve has very limited head motion and would just come off as stiff... well because he is stiff. And judging by his appearance in Smallville, he has gained significant weight and doesn't have the "Superman" appearance or presence.

Sounds like a lot of work just to make something that wouldnt look right to begin with.

Posted by: Rodney at August 17, 2004 01:32 PM

good point rodney, not that hollywood wouldnt try it though, they seem pretty good at spending lots of time and work on crap that doesnt turn out looking right anyways. youre right though, reeve cant even move his head much.

Posted by: Ben at August 17, 2004 03:27 PM

Hey guys, im not here to complain or dis anyone about being dorks, but it's nice to have some vivid Superman supporters who wanna see the man of steel back on the big screen.

Posted by: Frank at August 21, 2004 05:14 AM

i think all the background on superman and the justice league is very interesting and thanks for the insight. I hope they do get this movie started and not pick any actor that is known especially the ones already mentioned. For a movie like superman you need a fresh face because he will always be associated with such a big cultural icon like superman. Plus a new face would make it so people wouldn't think of that actor in a previous movie and associate it with superman. There really is no actor out there that has what it takes to play "the man of steel" Welling has done a great job as clark kent he just needs to be a little older to play superman. just look at hue jackman as wolverine he was new and made the part, partially because of it. They just need someone new and that is all that needs to be said about that.

Posted by: kenneth at September 9, 2004 06:51 PM

I've heard that Tom Welling (Smallville - WB) was offered the part for Superman in the new Superman movie. I'm not totally sure if it's a solid truth, but I'm hopeful.

Posted by: Joseph at September 10, 2004 08:35 PM

I think tom welling good to play superman. why cause he's serious and he look more like superman in the comic books. wb if you read this please put tom welling to play superman ok.

Posted by: Nick Barton at October 7, 2004 10:44 PM

[quote]It has already been proven that when adapting super heros to film, you dont have to be spot on perfect with the character.

Kingpin in Daredevil is played by the monstrous Michael Clarke Duncan who still isnt big enough to be the Kingpin, and he is black.

Batman was best portrayed by Michael Keaton, and he is a measly 5'10".

Tom Welling is an appropriate 6'2" and plays a perfect young Superman, but wont likely take the role of Superman unless Smallville was leading up to it.

I am not saying Josh Harnet is a contender, but don't be suprised if some Mister Universe bodybuilder isnt going to be playing BigBlue.

Please, before cussing and misspelling your empty insults about my "momy", stop, breath and make some constructive argument to back up your point. [/quote]

i agree with everything on here except Welling is the right height to play superman!
Dude stands a good 6'4 (same size as reeve).
He is also alot more bullked up then Routh or Josh put together!
He does like you say play the perfect young Superman.
He is older then Routh, and also looks it!
He plays a younger version on tv so they dress him down, and make him look younger with makeup.
but he is older, and he looks it when he is not on the show.
he looks PERFECT for the role he is the only actor i have ever seen outside of Chris Reeve himself who looks DEAD SET PERFECT for superman!
Singer is a bumbling idiot for making this crappy casting happen.
ITS a god damn shame that welling wont get to be the new generations only SUPERMAN!
he already is there SUPERMAN but he wont get to play it on the big screen...
Sad these WB FUCKS couldnt get shit right until there proven to have to change!
they ruined the BATMAN SERIES until they noticed what was the only way to fix it!
but with a restart!
thats what this movie needs a restart.
The old movies are good but there old, and that storyline is outdated, and belongs to that cast.
every incarnation of these super heros should have there own origins movie to begin the series, and remind the public of who these people are.
imagine if we had seen a spiderman that didnt show the origins because there was a tv show in the 70's, and 80's so everyone must remember it!
makes no sense right?
same thing here.
the only way to make a non origins movie is to explorer the CURRENT superman incarnation in SMALLVILLE which has the best person for the role anyway!
im sadden that these WB heads rather just get a quick buck, and fuck up the character with a half assked fx loaded peice of horse shit!!
instead of waiting two years, and making a classic movie which comes out priceless, and rekindles the worlds love of SUPERMAN!

Then agian i guess Greed is an evil thing!

Posted by: ThaJackaL at October 29, 2004 11:19 PM

i htink that if they are going to re write the whole concept of the movie, then they should get an actor that is also new that nobody knows, and please no white, skinny boy like Ashton, who is nothing like a man of steel, they should pick somebody like me, if they are going to go for Ashton. They need somebody like a Athlete that does look like superman, and let me just tell you this, i have been called superman for a long time, and i even lived close to Christopher when he lived in Palm springs, so there, i sholud play the part, I look like a super hero, and nobody knows me. so it's settled, i'm the new super man.

Posted by: Javier at November 17, 2004 07:39 PM

Tom Welling Has the best potential. He Is clark kent, The acts with the powers so well, even with a tv shows special effects he really looks like he has these abilities. All i am saying is no one has given a good reason for it to not be Smallvilles star. Please WB From all of us here stationed in Baghdad Iraq (Rangers Lead The Way) Don't let this movie suck

Posted by: Jim at November 21, 2004 08:41 AM

I think Tom Welling should play the man of steal in the new movie, because he's the only one who could

Posted by: andrew at March 13, 2005 10:50 AM

I think Tom Welling has the right to be a SUPERMAN. He has a PERFECT body, PERFECT face, and an X-FACTOR to be A MAN OF STEEL. I can see that he has this abilities that no one can. Please don't ruin the history or legend of SUPERMAN.

Posted by: Ma. Carmela Javier at March 16, 2005 04:32 AM

Somebody else has been cast, it's Brandon Routh.

Follow this link:

Posted by: Simone at March 16, 2005 06:12 AM

You I read these posts, I am saddened. I really enjoyed the Superman movies and I also enjoy the show Smallville.

I was literally freaking out when I first heard that Nicholas Cage
had the role (thank GOD he doesn't any more). Then I hear about Ashton Kutcher, Paul Walker, Josh Hartnett, and some other soap dude getting the part and I ask myself why? Why would WB studios cast these people in what will be an AWESOME new trilogy in the Superman saga? Why do they feel the need to get these "pretty boys" just because of who they are? I honestly would not go and see this movie if any of these people play the part.

I agree with one of the previous posts, WB needs to slow down and take caution in casting this film, just a George Lucas took care in casting the young/teenage/adult Annakin Skywalker for Episodes I, II, and III. He didn't go out and get an already know to play the roles, he instead got little know actors who could build the part, make it their own, and not have the audeince connecting them with another film from in their career.

Personally, if I had a say. I would build the Smallville series up to a point, and transfer that entire cast to the new movie trilogy. They are good actors and actresses and can handle the parts. Who among us honestly knew of Christopher Reeve or Margo Kidder before Superman: The Movie? I certainly did not.

That young cast should be given a shot at the parts. Smallville has a huge fan base on the WB and I believe those fans will follow the film to the big screen. I hear people complaining about Tom Welling being too small? Are you all serious? He is perfect and if any changes are needed, a good trainer can help with that problem.

Posted by: child at June 8, 2005 03:42 AM

i like asthon k but i disagree with him playing as superman.But JOSH HARNETT ,he's hot ,drop dead sexy.and he's better looking than guys who wrote negative opinion adout him in guys suck

Posted by: nu_girl at August 22, 2005 01:24 AM