August 21, 2003

Jurassic Park 4 File this

Jurassic Park 4
File this one under the heading of mixed feelings. I love the Jurassic Park series, but Jurassic Park 3 was an incredible let down. I'm not really sure how they can do a part 4. Ooooo… they get stranded on an island with dinosaurs… AGAIN. Haven't we seen this before? But at the same time I don't want to jump to conclusions, I mean who knows, maybe with the right idea and the right script new life can be breathed into the series. Signing up Keira Knightly is a good start.

It's true! I didn't think anybody knew about that! It was so amazing because I've been a big fan of the original film for years. Steven said he liked my work in Bend It Like Beckham and wanted to meet me. I think Sam Neill really pushed for me as well, 'cause we had worked together before on [BBC TV series] Doctor Zhivago. There were actually two roles in Jurassic Park IV Steven thought I might fit. First there was the granddaughter part, which wasn't all that big a role, she was only in it at the beginning. The other part he was considering for me was substantially larger, but I won't go into any details in case I make Steven angry (laughs). I truly don't know if I'll end up getting either part or not. The script is pretty much locked down, but I think they're still working on final drafts at the moment. But just to be even considered by Steven Spielberg was a humbling honour.

Posted by John Campea at August 21, 2003 11:48 AM


I liked the 3rd film alot, but was not the best.I think I liked the first two films because Steven Spielberg directed them. Now if he films the 4th one it's going to be great.

Posted by: PdftBluefire at December 12, 2003 09:14 PM

Well....there's always a small possibility that Jurassic 4 could turn out to be a good flick. On the same note...there's a chance that the Mongol hordes will ride again and conquer all of Asia and the middle east. Think of it like this.....the first one was cheesy (those damned kids) but the special effects were new and strong enough to carry the movie. The second segment in this soon to be quadtrilogy had a bad script and the same effects and creatures as the first which made it redundant. The third installment as a heaping pile of doo this a sturdy foundation to launch a fourth installment in a series? No. Not by a long shot. When's the last time you've seen a series get steadily worse over time to suddenly come out of the muck and be great? It doesn't happen....remember Aliens 3? was resurrection good for ya? was ka ka wasn't it? and rightfully cant build a house on a patch of quicksand...and this trilogy of raptor poop my friends is sinking to new lows.....I cant only hope they can bring those full house kids back for a cameo in order to complete the picture. Good luck with the movie.....and keep an eye on the friggin mongols.

Posted by: kev-Dagg at December 12, 2003 10:58 PM

Jurassic park 1 was the movie that got me into movies. It was full of dinosaurs and adventure that it gripped to my seat from beginning to end!!!! BRILLIANT MOVIE!!

I'm need of help!! There was a small film that i watched when i was young but i can't remember what it was called. All i can remember from it was there was a family of aliens and they were dying in some cave. The younger alien founded a young boy in need of help. I can just remember a scene where the alien dresses up as an alien and dances at a party or something. If you could find out the name of this film i would be very very grateful!!

Posted by: striker at December 14, 2003 05:18 AM

Jurassic park 1 was the movie that got me into movies. It was full of dinosaurs and adventure that it gripped to my seat from beginning to end!!!! BRILLIANT MOVIE!! Same here... the first movie was the best one.

Posted by: PdftBluefire at December 16, 2003 07:19 PM

I mean I think the kids in the movie were one of the best parts, cuz all the action happend to them... see I think the kids in the movie made it realy cool. I kind of wish those kids would come back to the series.

Posted by: PdftBluefire at December 16, 2003 07:22 PM

To tell you the truth I wish the movies would never come to an end.

Posted by: PdftBluefire at December 16, 2003 07:24 PM

I think the film that striker is talking about is called Mac and Me. If i remember rightly it is the story of a friendship between a boggle-eyed, chubby cheeked alien (an extremely unconvincing puppet) and some kid. It seemed like a lack of original ideas from film makers who saw ET, tried to make a film that warmed the hearts of all members of the family as successfully as Spielbergs timeless classic and failed in every possible way. I hope all involved in making it died.

Posted by: thisterriblefilm at December 18, 2003 08:17 AM

i think that jurassic park is the beast move i ever seen i cant wait for jurassic park 4

Posted by: kirk at January 5, 2004 01:31 PM

and i think they should have a series on jurassic park i love steven spillburgs he makes the greatest moves of all times. i wish they had about 20 more jurassic park moves.if they didnt have a jurassic park what would i do.

Posted by: kirk at January 5, 2004 01:36 PM

I think that the first movie was the best and that the second wasn't so bad. The third was shit, but i hink that was due to the first two were originally books and the third was just a movie script and wasn't written but Michael Chrichton, all that said I still can't wait for number 4

Posted by: Nick at January 8, 2004 02:34 AM

I guess I will be in the minority here, but I think all THREE jurassic park films bit the big one.

How anyone could enjoy the first film after reading the book is beyond me. The book, an incredibly suspenful sci-fi thriller had me turning the pages so fast I needed a transfusion from all the paper cuts. I couldn't wait to see it translated to film.
Unfortunatly, none of it was.

The second and third film were laugh out loud funny (although not meant to be).

However, Spielberg gave the world "Schindler's List", so if he wishes he could do Jurrasic 55. Just don't expect me to shell out another 7 bucks for it.

Posted by: Herby at January 8, 2004 05:44 AM

Whoa whoa...

7 bucks?
Where are you seeing movies for 7 bucks...

Posted by: Day-vuhl at January 8, 2004 01:38 PM

First of all, yes the books were better than the movies. But that really doesn't matter since the movies, yes all of them, were really good. For anyone to say they didn't enjoy the first is just nuts. The second one did kind of drag itself out a bit too much, but was still good. And the third was awesome. It had all the action of the other films condensed down into an hour and a half. I'm sure I'll enjoy part four, and I'm sure I'll *really* enjoy it if Keira Knightly is in it.

Posted by: Jake at January 9, 2004 03:19 PM

Ok. I think this. None of the moives will get old.

Posted by: Pdftluefire at January 9, 2004 07:15 PM

i like the 3 film better then the 2 one and the 4 film i'm gonna be in it

Posted by: maxime at December 31, 2004 09:35 PM

I think the first movie was the best, the second one was good too but... and the third one OHHHH!!, It was really a big disappointment.Hope the 4th one is the best.It will be excellent if spielburg directs it.

Posted by: Ghisa at July 12, 2005 06:01 AM

I think all the movies is great!The second movie was awesome,the 3 one is not to bad,and the 1 one was exellent.I just can't wait for the 4th one.I wonder how the raptors will look like!

Posted by: Fiona Kelbrick at July 13, 2005 05:17 AM

I agree, no. 3 was a HUGE letdown and I feel no. 4 will be worse because they're using the same old story over and over again, just mixing it about. I reckon they need some fresh ideas before they start filming (or have they started? Tell me quick, please) and I don't care how long it takes for them to find some new ideas - although I'm pretty anxious since I loved 1 + 2 - as long as they get a good movie into people's heads!

Posted by: God4areason at August 8, 2005 11:06 AM

I do agree a little with a previous comment stating that the movie was nothing like the book and left the fan disappointed somewhat with the movie. However, the 1st movie was still a set the movie making world up for what it is doing today...making visual stunners. The plot of the movie was excellent and the acting was very good. Jurassic Park was the breakout movie of its time. Now, the second movie strayed away from the granduer of the first and got wasted on sorry acting...but again the visual effects were good. The plot was pretty dry and there were too many characters. The 3rd movie was insulting stupid. Instead of following a better story line or even the same look of the dinosaurs...the movie completely bombed. It was made to get a quick buck and squeeze the last bit of life from the few Jurrasic Park fans left. I love the premise of the stories...they are simply fantastic...but more work needs to be put into the plot instead of just the dinosaurs. Bring back the old cast and think a little more about movie quality and this franshise may just evolve again!!!

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 9, 2005 01:46 PM

Now from what i hear that Steven Speilberg or whoever was on a contract to do 6 films total, which would be great. Now a lot of people are probably concerned about movie 4 and any film after that, but it is quite simple, go back to the first Island, for god sakes the first island is where the first movie was, so go back there is a lot more things on that island that we haven't seen. Has anyone here read the book, i've read it twice. and if they go back to the first island, there is enough stuff that is in the book that aint in the movies that could make a story line to last at least three more movies 4,5,and6. I mean take the little boy from the first movie, he would be a full grown adult by now, and in the story he could be getting out of college, and into the world decides to go to the first island that he was on as a kid, bring some colleques with him and so forth and so on. I like the concept of part four taking us away from the island, and taking us somewhere new, but the talks of there not being a T-rex, in the fourth, that would piss off a lot of people, since he was killed off so quickly in the 3rd. and put new dinos in. We only got a small taste of the dilophosoarus, just a small seen, and it was only one, in per shot. have at least more than one of em in a shot, plus you got water dinos like mosasaurus, or Pleisiosaurus, you could have an underwater adventure scenario but more intense than the one in part three and actually go underwater. or you have dinos like inostrancevia, oviraptor, or Allosaurus. In the book they explain a cave type environment. Come on lets get creative there must be a 4, 5, and 6.

Posted by: Jason Christopher at August 17, 2005 05:22 PM

Yo, Maxime! YOU in JP4? ...NO. I heard that they already got a teenager for the part! Some 16 year Old, from Carrollton Texas. His name is unknown, but his initials are E.C. Anyway, the book was obiuosly better than the movie, but the movie was AWESOME! I heard that they are going overboard with the fouth one, in a good way, something about no island and maybe dinos in the city! And yes, they should make a LONG trilogy on Jurassic Park, because if it is a dino movie that isn't Jurassic park, then it's a dino movie that's not worth your money or even attention for that matter!

Posted by: Ian Garcia at October 8, 2005 10:42 PM