August 06, 2003

American Wedding reviews scattered all

American Wedding reviews scattered all over the place
No film ever has total agreement on it's quality. Even Gigli had some people who liked it, and even Seabiscuit had those who hated it. However, you can usually find a general consensus amongst the critics. American Wedding subscribes to no such rules. The reviews for this film are just all over the place. People hate it, people love it, people think it's ok. For instance, Roger Ebert thought it was great, while Elvis Mitchel of the New York Times said "you'll see better film on a pond". Your guess is a good as mine.

Posted by John Campea at August 6, 2003 05:27 PM


Although fairly enjoyable - the more and more you watch it -American Wedding is definately the weakest of the three American Pie movies. It was like a made-for-tv version in some ways, with the absence of most of the cast, or without even a mention of them.
Still, the movie has its moments, and the laughs do come - but that was due mainly to Sean Scotts "Stifler", who steals the show completely. Without Scott as an ingredient, I feel sure that this movie would have gone belly up.

Posted by: Laurence James at December 28, 2003 09:20 AM