July 25, 2003

How much longer will the

How much longer will the Superhero genre last?
Some friends of mine and I went to see The Hulk again last night. I quite enjoyed it. During the ride home our conversation turned to the whole genre of Superhero movies. After Batman & Robin killed the genre in 1997 (does anyone EVER want to see Arnold in an ice suit again?) it took just over 3 years for X-Men (which I personally believe is the best superhero film of all time) to single handedly save the genre. Since that time, almost all of the comic book adapted films have been fairly solid: X-Men 2, DareDevil, Spiderman, The Hulk, Blade 2 and a few others.

So the question is, if the Studios keep putting out solid films how long will the Superhero genre keep going before another hiatus? Or, could The Punisher (slated to come out next year) be so bad that it kills the momentum all together?

Posted by John Campea at July 25, 2003 12:46 AM


The superhero genre will die out in the next two years. Not because of the movies themselves but the way people will get bored, i could see it now; "What movies are on? Oh look Hulk 3, not another superhero sequel. Oh and superwomen, how lame, lets go see bambie re-release instaed"
I do like superhero movies, spiderman 2 is a must see but i think they will die out, and around3 or 4 years after they have superman or summit will come out and then they will be all popular again....

Posted by: striker at November 9, 2003 10:08 AM

DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM
DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM
DATE: 02/20/2004 08:53:49 PM

Posted by: Anonymous at February 20, 2004 08:53 PM

It's really just fashion cycles isn't it? I mean, are flares in at the moment? If they're not then they'll be back. If they are, then they'll go out again.

You also get fusions over time. Consider films in production at the moment: Batman vs Superman, Aliens vs Predator.

It's all cycles, feedback and fusion. I don't think any genre ever completely dies out. imho.

Posted by: Jamesy at April 4, 2004 10:53 AM