A ‘Hell Ride’ Trilogy?

The much talked about vigilante film presented by Quentin Tarantino has yet to come out theatrically, yet there is already a talk about not just a sequel, but a planned trilogy. ‘Hell Ride’ premiered at Sundance late last night, and after the film was shown, writer/director/actor Larry Bishop and co-star Michael Madsen were hinting at a franchise.

Shocktillyoudrop.com gives us these details:

Co-star Michael Madsen tells us during an interview, “I hope this is going to be a trilogy.” In the film he plays a well-dressed biker named The Gent and it’s a role he’s looking forward to revisiting. “The Gent’s story has not been completely told.”

When we later spoke to writer-director-actor Bishop, we inquired about a possible “trilogy” and Madsen’s desire to slip back into The Gent’s skin, to which Bishop merely sat back, raised his eyebrows over his dark shades and smiled, “Absolutely.”

Hmm…maybe I would be a little more excited about this news, if I had actually seen the movie to know if it truly warrants a trilogy. Firstshowing.net has already posted a very positive review for the film, comparing it to last year’s ‘Grindhouse,’ but I’ve also been hearing very negative things about the movie from just last night’s premiere alone.

I’m going to wait for more reviews, but until then I am going to cross my fingers and hope it’s as good as Alex from Firstshowing.net says it is.

So are you excited about ‘Hell Ride?’ Do you think it’s got what it takes to be this generation’s ‘Death Wish’ franchise?

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8 thoughts on “A ‘Hell Ride’ Trilogy?

  1. A Hell Ride trilogy? Oh, Hell’s Yeah! There should be a Grindhouse Trilogy, a Kill Bill 3, Pulp Fiction II and III. Reservoir II & III - Tarantino Rocks!

    One lucky gal who got to see this at Sundance said….

    “If one of the Wild Hogs grew some balls, dropped acid and screwed a chick from Thunderdome….their baby would be HELL RIDE!!!”

    Ima be first in line for this one.

  2. I’m one of the odd few who really enjoyed Grindhouse, but then I like the weird movies Grindhouse was trying to be… I am pumped to see this, plus the poster is awesome.

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