‘The Elevator Game’ has its ups and downs

Ryan’s sister Becki has disappeared while playing a viral phenomenon known as The Elevator Game. He becomes an intern for a group of YouTubers with a channel dedicated to the supernatural. When their producer Kevin announces that their sponsor is demanding a new episode in the next few days, Ryan sees this as his chance and suggests they do the episode on The Elevator Game. It involves riding an elevator and pressing a series of buttons that transport you to another dimension and possibly get you in front of the evil known as the 5th Floor Woman. You are not to speak or look at her. If you do, be prepared to die!


The opening scene was good and was a nice setup for the movie and its premise. It showed Becki playing the game and what happened to her. It got me curious to see how this crew would handle playing the game and risk a possible interaction with this entity. I also liked the 5th Floor Woman. She was creepy. Besides that, there was not much more that stood out. The acting was decent. To be fair, I feel like it was hard to make a movie about riding up and down in an elevator entertaining. The kills were cool but nothing out of this world.


This was just an okay movie. Not necessarily bad but nothing spectacular.


While doing some research, I found out that this is based on an urban legend that apparently originated in Korea about a decade ago. There was also a story a while back about the disappearance of a Canadian woman named Elisa Lam who allegedly was playing the Elevator Game when she disappeared. She was later found in the water tower on the roof of a Los Angeles hotel. This was not a terrible movie, so I say check it out. The Elevator Game is currently streaming on Shudder.

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  • Acting - 6.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 6/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 6/10
  • Setting/Theme - 6/10
  • Watchability - 6.5/10
  • Rewatchability - 4/10
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