Booster Gold Reaction: DC Slate Announcement

Booster Gold HBO Max

Booster Gold is the greatest hero the world has never known. I notice the reaction people have. I am a huge fan of this character and I am SICK and TIRED of the lack of support for this awesome character. Check out the announcement for the new Booster Gold HBO Max series coming from DC Studios. Do you see that adjective used to describe the amazing BOOSTER GOLD?!


Booster Gold DC Slate Reaction

Booster Gold fans stand up! James Gunn is announcing the release of a TV series as part of the new DCU slate coming from DC Studios. While Booster Gold isn’t a household name, he has a devoted fanbase to those who read his stories. Booster Gold is a character from the future who travels back in time to present himself as a superhero. James Gunn refers to him as a loser. There should be a better Booster Gold Reaction than this.

That’s all for now…


[this post is a joke]

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink