There’s Something Wrong With The Children

There's Something Wrong With The Children

There’s Something Wrong With The Children Synopsis

There’s Something Wrong With The Children Tells the story of Ben and Margo who go on a weekend trip with their longtime friends and their two young children. When the children start exhibiting some strange behaviors, they fear it may have something to do with their overnight disappearance in the woods. This movie was on my radar for a while and I was looking forward to checking it out. There is a lot of “lost in the woods” type of horror movies out there so this is nothing completely. Not 100% original but still turned out to be a decent movie.


Briela Guiza and David Mattle were very convincing as the kids turned creatures. They were eerily terrifying. They were not in it as much as you would think but when they were on screen they really played their parts well. Good acting all around I thought. This was not a full-blown horror movie in my opinion. Definitely more suspenseful and psychological. Lots of horror elements but felt more like a thriller.


There was a fair amount of creepy stuff going on but it easily could have been made into a darker movie than what it was. I would have liked to see that version. Although we do get a glimpse of what the children have become towards the end, I would have liked to see a bit more about that like how they actually turned and what turned them. I was annoyed that none of the adults seemed to be paying too much attention to the children.


A worthy entry in the creepy kid sub-genre of horror even though the movie focused more on the adults. Can also be categorized in the sci-fi or folklore horror sub-genre. An enjoyable flick that I would suggest you check out. There’s Something Wrong With The Children is currently streaming on several VOD platforms.

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  • Acting - 8/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 6.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 7/10
  • Setting/Theme - 6/10
  • Watchability - 8/10
  • Rewatchability - 6.5/10
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