10 Common Mistakes When Memorizing Poker Hands In Order

Knowing and memorizing the poker hands in order is a fundamental skill that all players must learn. However, there are a few common mistakes that many players make when trying to memorize the order of poker hands. By avoiding these mistakes, you can learn poker ranking order more quickly and easily.

1. Not starting with the basics

The first mistake players make is not starting with the basics. Before you try to memorize the order of poker hands, you should first master the primary hand rankings, which means knowing what beats what and identifying high-card hands, pairs, two pair, three-of-a-kind, etc. Once you grasp the essential hand rankings, you will have an easier time memorizing the rest of the card hands in order.

2. Not learning the other names of the poker hands

Another mistake players make is not learning the other names of the poker hands. While it is not necessary to memorize the other names, it can be helpful to know them. For example, did you know that a flush is sometimes called a “boat”? By learning the other names of the poker hands, you will have an easier time remembering them and identifying them in conversation should the need arise.

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3. Trying to memorize too many poker hands at once

Trying to memorize too many poker hands at once is another common mistake. When first learning the order of poker hands, it is best to start with just a few and then add more. Otherwise, you will likely get overwhelmed and have difficulty retaining all the information.

4. Not drilling

Significant mistake players make when trying to memorize the order of poker hands is not drilling. Drilling simply means repeatedly practicing until you have mastered the material. When memorizing the order of poker hands, you should drill by dealing cards and then calling out your hand. You can also practice with a friend or family member, taking turns dealing and calling out hands. The more you drill, the better your chances of memorizing the order of poker hands.

5. Not taking breaks

When trying to memorize something, it is essential to take breaks. If you try to cram everything into your head in one sitting, you will likely find that you forget much of what you have learned. Instead, it is better to study for a few minutes and then take a break. During your break, you can do something else to clear your mind, such as take a walk or listen to music.

6. Not using spaced repetition

“Spaced repetition” is a learning technique that involves spacing out your studying over time. For example, if you want to memorize the order of poker hands, you might study for 10 minutes today, 10 minutes tomorrow, and 10 minutes the day after. By spacing out your studying, you will help your brain to retain the information better.

7. Not setting a goal

When trying to memorize something, it is vital to set a goal. Without a goal, becoming discouraged and giving up can be easy. Therefore, before trying to memorize the order of poker hands, ensure you have a specific goal. For example, your goal might be to memorize the order of poker hands in one week. Progress may be slow initially, but if you stick with it, you will eventually reach your goal.

8. Not staying motivated

It is essential to stay motivated when trying to memorize something. One way to stay motivated is to set small goals and celebrate when you reach them. For example, if your goal is to memorize the order of poker hands in one week, you might reward yourself every day you successfully remember the order. Another way to stay motivated is to find a study buddy who is also trying to memorize the order of poker hands. This way, you can help and keep each other motivated.

9. Giving up too soon

Many people give up too soon when trying to memorize something. Do not give up if you have difficulty remembering the order of poker hands. Instead, try some of the techniques mentioned in this article. With enough practice and perseverance, you will eventually be able to memorize the order of poker hands.

10. Not using a poker hands order chart

One of the best ways to memorize the poker hands ranked in order is to use a poker hands order chart. This simple tool has the list of poker hands in order from strongest to weakest. Using a poker hand chart lets you quickly and easily see what hand beats what. You can also use the poker hand chart as a reference when you are drilling or practicing with a friend. There are many different versions of poker hand charts available online, so be sure to find one that you like and is easy to understand.


The process of memorizing the order of poker hands is not always easy. However, if you follow the tips listed above, you should be able to improve your chances of success. In addition, you might also want to consider using mnemonic devices and memory aids. By memorizing the order of poker hands, you will be better prepared for future games and competitions. Start practicing your memorization today by playing at the world’s largest poker room, GGPoker!


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