The Last Of Us Trailer Shows How It Can Appeal To Casual Audiences Too

The Last Of Us trailer featured.

The Last Of Us is the latest HBO original series based on the incredibly popular video game franchise. The series adapts the game’s story with major actors in the lead roles. To be completely honest, I haven’t played the video games, and beyond the stars attached, I had absolutely no interest in this new show. I was probably going to drag my feet in watching this. However, the latest The Last Of Us trailer completely changed my mind. And it just goes to show how the show might appeal to audiences who aren’t familiar with the games.

What Is The Last Of Us Trailer About?

The Last Of Us trailer city
Image via HBO.

The Last Of Us video game was an action-adventure series that started in 2013. The story follows a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a virus that turns humans into these violent and aggressive creatures. So… basically, a zombies. Players control a character who comes across a young girl who is immune to the virus. Hoping her immunity can lead to the cure, the players have to accompany her across the safe zone to a place that can help her. And in turn, potentially save humanity.

It’s a concept that we’ve seen in many zombie stories before. And having not played the game, it all seemed like tropes that we’ve seen in many zombie shows and movies for years now. Hence, my initial lack of excitement for the series. But the latest The Last Of Us trailer has made me reevaluate the show.

The Last Of Us Trailers Focuses On Hope Than Doom

What won me over with this new The Last Of Us trailer, is how the show seemingly focuses on the possibility of a cure. Instead of the doom and gloom that most zombie stories are about. It’s why I stopped watching The Walking Dead, as there was absolutely no hope of redemption or any light at the end of the tunnel. It was just a show about people dying, escaping and surviving. With no end in sight.

The Last Of Us looks like it’ll be about what the young girl means to this world where humanity has resigned itself to just surviving. The people she meets along the way look like they may be pulling themselves out of the pit of despair over a glimmer of light that they see in her. It also helps that the man in charge of ferrying her across this zombie-infested world is played by the incredible Pedro Pascal.

While the HBO show will automatically attract fans of the video game, it’s the new audience that they need to find to make the show a success. And this new trailer definitely makes the show appeal to those non-video game fans. Like myself.

The Last Of Us premieres on HBO Max on January 15, 2023.

What did you think of The Last Of Us trailer? Are you convinced that it’s a show worth watching? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Youtube.

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About Shah Shahid

Entertainment Writer | Film & TV Critic | Bollywood Blogger | Host of Split Screen Podcast | Proud Geek Girl Dad