“RUN SWEETHEART RUN” (2022) is Amazon bolting COMPLETELY off the Rails

run sweetheart run

A woman struggles to get home to her child alive after being violently attacked then hunted following a blind date.

“RUN SWEETHEART RUN” (2022) is amazon bolting COMPLETELY off the Rails

Film Review

by John Smistad

What in the hell Amazon??!!

Amazon Studio’s Run Sweetheart Run” is sickening. On every level.

White men hunting down a young black woman for kicks. Because it’s a given that white men are evil and misogynous. And, of course, only fanatical feminism has a prayer of stopping them. However, since this bile rewrites the Bible, as well, prayer probably plays a precious paltry part in the militant mission.

This is from a proud card-carrying male who dares believe that ours would be a far better world were women chiefly in charge of running the show.

Now, we return you to my review of this miserable excuse for a “message movie”.

Law enforcement doesn’t give a shit about human beings of dark complexion. And, oh yeah, best brace yourselves for this shocker…per this despicable dreck they’re all L.A. cops. Well, of course, they are. It’s force-fed into our DNA.

If you are an American black man then naturally you must be packing. These filmmakers actually toss the contemptuous notion out with casual callousness. As if that’s something to knowingly snicker at.

And this gob of garbage might be laughable if it wasn’t so fucking insidiously insulting.

To all of us.

To wit, every fellow free American.

It is not at all clear if this is even remotely possible, but here’s a suggestion……

Wake” up Amazon!!

We deserve better.

By a damn sweet sight.

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“RUN SWEETHEART RUN” (2022) is amazon bolting COMPLETELY off the Rails
  • Acting - 5.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 1/10
  • Setting/Theme - 1/10
User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

“RUN SWEETHEART RUN” (2022) is amazon bolting COMPLETELY off the Rails

A woman struggles to get home to her child alive after being violently attacked then hunted following a blind date.

About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @: The Quick Flick Critic Thanks guys! John

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