Director Bassam Tariq Leaves Marvel Studio’s ‘Blade’

Bassam Tariq Blade

Director Bassam Tariq has officially departed Marvel Studios’ upcoming film Blade. There are reports that the star of the film, Mahershala Ali, is very frustrated with the process. Blade will release on November 3, 2023, and is currently in production. The film will star Mahershala Ali as the Daywalker and Blade also features Delroy Lindo and Aaron Pierre. Blade will take place in the MCU but besides that, we know very little about the project, other than the fact that Wesley Snipes was not invited to appear in the reboot.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Bassam Tariq has left the MCU film, Blade. Also, according to Jeff Sneider, The actor Mahershala Ali is extremely frustrated with the process. According to Sneider the script for Blade is only 90 pages long and features two lackluster action sequences. If this is accurate, it sounds like the MCU tentpole film is in trouble. The film will begin production this fall but with Tariq’s exit and the news about Ali, this might not be the case. You can see Jeff Sneider’s full tweet below:

The MCU could be in a bit of trouble if this news is accurate and Feige is spreading himself too thin. We’ve heard stories before about MCU films being in trouble and most of them have turned out okay. Blade is a very well-known character and one of the few rebooted franchises in the MCU. This story is indeed concerning for fans.

These factors may not mean anything. The concern is if the script is only 90 pages long and frustrating Mahershala then it looks like the project is spiraling out of control. Now, we could be worrying for no reason and the film could turn out great, but for now, fans should definitely be concerned about the future of the reboot. You can see how Blade turns out when it hits theaters on November 3, 2023.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter and Jeff Sneider Via Twitter

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