Mickey Rourke Thinks Tom Cruise Is Irrelevant

Actor Mickey Rourke slammed Top Gun: Maverick star Tom Cruise, calling him Irrelevant. Mickey Rourke is a bit of a Hollywood legend. His roles in The Wrestler, Sin City, Angel Heart, and Iron Man 2 propelled him into super-stardom. With almost a hundred acting credits to his name, Rourke continues to light up the big screen and enthrall fans from around the globe. In recent years; however, Rourke’s star has been on a steep decline.

Though Rourke is a bona fide movie star, he’s also a bit of a wild card. He tends to say what he thinks and is unapologetic for his views. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it tends to get him into hot water sometimes. By many accounts, the actor is also not easy to work with. He is notorious for having a bad attitude on set and for speaking his mind. Over the last decade or so Rourke has fallen out of favor in Hollywood. That’s not surprising given his reputation, but the actor seems to find few ways to stay in the public spotlight.

In a recent interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored via Metro UK, Mickey Rourke slammed Tom Cruise, calling him irrelevant. While his critique is harsh, it should probably be taken with a grain of salt. You can see the full quote below.

“The guy’s been doing the same f-ing part for 35 years. I got no respect for that. I think he’s irrelevant, in my world.”

He went on to talk about actors he idolizes and what kind of actor he wants to be:

“I don’t care about money and power. I care about when I watch Al Pacino work and Chris Walken and [Robert] De Niro’s early work and Richard Harris’ work and Ray Winstone’s work. That’s the kind of actor I want to be like. Monty Clift and [Marlon] Brando back in the day.”

The whole irony of Mickey Rourke calling anyone irrelevant should be lost on no one. The actor has been slipping for years, despite the fact that he has eleven films in the works. It just seems like his comments are the words of someone who is desperately trying to stay relevant. The fact is, Tom Cruise is extremely relevant right now. Top Gun: Maverick grossed over billion dollars worldwide. And it did so on the shoulders of Tom Cruise. Sure, Cruise isn’t as prolific as he once was, but he is still an A-List movie star. Rourke on the other hand is not. It is clear from Rourke’s comments that he is living in the past, and it’s about time he gets with the present.

Source: Piers Morgan Uncensored via Metro UK

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