Marvel’s Secret Invasion takes place during The Blip

Secret Invasion

So Marvel is dropping some interesting news this week about a number of their new projects. We have the Ms. Marvel show preparing to debut and We’re seeing the premiere of the She-Hulk trailer and making its debut too. Kevin Feige and company are keeping the momentum going by sharing new details on the Samuel L. Jackson show Secret Invasion. This six-episode series will adapt a popular comic book storyline but in the midst of that, they’re sharing that the story will take place during the time that half of all life was destroyed by Thanos.

The news from Screenrant reads:

during the Blip, when half of the Universe was decimated by Thanos, and will explore the events that happened in that period.

How? How can this show feature Nick Fury during the five-year span when we all saw Nick Fury get dusted in the Infinity War post-credits scene? Secret Invasion will have me scratching my head until the show reveals its secrets but the first theory that pops to mind is that the Fury that got dusted was actually Talos. Ben Mendelsohn plays Talos in the Captain Marvel movie and we learn that he’s been masquerading as Nick Fury as well.

Either way, this news is sure to have long-term effects on stories for some time to come.

That’s all I have for this one.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink