We Own This City Producer George Pelecanos answers if there’s any hope for Baltimore

We Own This City

I was able to attend the premiere of the new HBO show We Own This City in NYC. The show in itself is outstanding and is a triumph for HBO. The same positive sentiment doesn’t extend to the star of the show, the city of Baltimore itself.

This show is a focused look at the failure of the Gun Trace Task Force and its impact on the city. While in attendance at the premiere I was able to speak with series producer George Pelecanos. The Wire last aired over a decade ago and We Own This City is a harsh return to the city. Although we only spoke briefly I was able to ask if he felt there was any hope for his beloved city:

George Pelecanos Interview

Series star, and alum of The Wire, Celeste Olivia also spoke on this topic and her experience with the show:

Celeste Olivia Interview


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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink