The Wonder Twins movie coming with KJ Apa and Isabel May

Did you know there’s a movie coming out based on DC Comics characters The Wonder Twins? Wait, wait, wait, hold on, don’t start clicking on another link just yet. Yes, we’re talking about those same Wonder Twins. From the Super Friends cartoon. And yes, they’re getting a live-action movie adaptation on HBO Max:

DC has found its live-action Wonder Twins. Warner Bros. has tapped KJ Apa and Isabel May for its HBO Max film, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

Adam Sztykiel, who worked on the script to Dwayne Johnson’s upcoming Black Adam, is writing and directing Wonder Twins. Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey of Temple Hill are producing.

In DC lore, The Wonder Twins are a pair of alien siblings named Zan and Jayna introduced in Hanna-Barbera’s 1970s The All-New Super Friends Hour, where they were the young companions to older heroes such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Now, this is the most unexpected adaptation yet. When thinking about all of the characters that Warner Bros has at their disposal for film and TV adaptation you can’t help but wonder how they landed here. Part of me thanks to the success of Peacemaker. John Cena and James Gunn took that obscure character and he’s on the verge of becoming a household name.

I hope they make this movie a dark comedy similar to that of Peacemaker. The Wonder Twins have a lot of potential to be HBO MAx’s other cool adult comedy if that’s the direction they take with the story.

I can’t wait to see Riverdale’s KJ Apa and Isabel May taking the leads. That’s all I have for this one.

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