Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse delayed to 2023

across the spider-verse

Sony is working on the release of the Oscar-winning movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The new movie is the first part of a pair of sequels that will release in theaters from Sony. The first of the sequels was set for an October 7th release but that date is changing to a newer, later, date. The news comes from Deadline and reads as follows:

Sony’s animated sequel to the Oscar winning movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is moving from Oct. 7 this year to June 2, 2023. The news is breaking just before the studio’s presentation at CinemaCon next week.

Meanwhile, the pic’s sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Part II, is dated for March 29, 2024.

It was rumored that more major releases would reschedule after The Flash moved to June of next year. The idea is that the VFX companies that work on these films are overloaded with work. The assumption is that the lifting of restrictions has Hollywood churning out movies faster than the VFX groups can process. I don’t like this news at all. The third Spider-Verse movie, Part II, is scheduled for March 29, 2024.

That’s all I have for this one.

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