Hatching is the perfect example of “Things are not always what they seem”

Hatching is the perfect example of the quote, “Things are not always what they seem”. Tinja is a young gymnast who is plagued with an obsession to please her self-involved, narcissistic mother who does everything she can to portray a perfect family on her video blog. After Tinja finds a strange egg in the woods, she brings it home and takes care of it until it hatches. She quickly becomes attached to the creature that emerges and tries to keep it hidden but we soon see that that is easier said than done.


Hatching MovieThis movie was deep. Not an ordinary horror movie for sure. It touched on many issues that affect everyday people that can essentially be considered horrific. I was fascinated by all the characters. They all had specific issues that kept them from living in reality. This movie was very well made. From the acting to the cinematography to the plot. It all worked when put together and kept me enthralled throughout the entire story. I like how they made the creature to be an extension of Tinja. The part that she was never allowed to show because of her controlling mother. Through her relationship with this creature Tinja seemingly experiences what true, unconditional love really is. Even with all the deep issues, horror fans still get a good dose of gross and bloody moments. This movie did not disappoint and I just loved it!



There was not really anything that I didn’t like about the movie. It’s a foreign movie (Finland) so naturally, it had subtitles. I’m not the biggest fan of subtitles but that didn’t even bother me because the story was so good!



It’s hard these days to find an original storyline, especially in horror, that captures you the way Hatching does. A worthy entry into the body horror sub-genre of horror. A subtle, yet disturbing, horror movie that is definitely worth a watch.

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  • Acting - 9.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 8.5/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 10/10
  • Setting/Theme - 8/10
  • Watchability - 9/10
  • Rewatchability - 8/10
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