Star Trek cast surprised by Star Trek 4

star trek

News hit the web recently that a new Star Trek movie would be coming from Paramount Pictures. Paramount held an investors event recently. Star Trek producer J.J. Abrams announced that they were working on a new Star Trek movie that will feature the their original cast. The news was surprising to investors, bloggers, and the cast themselves.

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that most, if not all, teams for the franchise’s primary players — who include Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldaña and John Cho — were not aware that an announcement for another film was coming, much less that their clients would be touted as a part of the deal, and certainly not that their clients would be shooting a movie by year’s end. Insiders say that Pine, who plays Captain Kirk, is the first to enter into early negotiations as he is the linchpin to the project.

The hope is to begin filming in the fall in order to make the Dec. 22, 2023, theatrical release.

This might be a first. I can’t recall a time I’ve seen a film announcement that surprised the cast too. Actors usually express their excitement for casting. Either that or they play coy about their involvement as a negotiation tactic.

I am surprised by this news and I wonder how this might affect filming. Paramount set a lot of deadlines in their announcement and the actors need to be signed.

Anyway, that’s all I have for this one.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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