Scott Derrickson on Multiverse of Madness trailer

Scott Derrickson directed the 2016 Marvel film Doctor Strange. The film went on to earn over 677 million in the box office continuing Marvel’s success. Scott Derrickson was originally tapped to direct the sequel for the film but later left the project and cited “creative differences” as the reason for his departure. Since that time the character of Doctor Strange has continued to appear in other films but will return to his own titled film with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with Spider-Man director Sam Raimi.

Scott Derrickson was recently asked his opinion on the trailer on twitter and surprisingly enough… he actually responded! Here’s what he said:

The trailer is great and of course I’m excited! I love Sam — he was the right director for this one, just as The Black Phone was the right film for me to go make. All is good.

That’s a classy man right there. Scott Derrickson could have said anything he wanted at this time knowing his response would get a lot of attention and chose a very nice statement. I also like he used the tweet to promote his film The Black Phone. That’s a smart, classy, dude and I hope he gives us his impressions of the film after release too!

Anyway, that’s all for this one. I’ll check you guys later.

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About Anthony Whyte

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