Why didn’t Venom 2 screen for critics?

It’s the RETURN of the Correct Opinion! In our premier episode we discuss Guillermo Del Toro’s new movie trailer with Bradley Cooper, Venom 2 NOT screening for critics, and Bob Chapek’s announcement for Disney.

Check out our other videos:

Carnage’s Origin Revealed

carnage revealedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvsedFz9qeI&list=PLsD5qP1WqKt6Xyq1oACzo-TpR-fH_JZe_&t=0s

Invincible Series Review

Falcon and Winter Soldier Series Reaction


The Correct Opinion Show





#InjusticeMovie #Superman #Batman #WonderWoman #TomTaylor

#Venom2 #Disney #ScarJo #AndySerkis #Dune

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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