SXSW 21: Play It Safe is daring

Synopsis: Coaxed into playing a racial typecast in a fellow student’s play, Black drama student Jonathan is faced with all too familiar decision: to challenge prejudice, or play it safe.



Play it Safe features some fantastic cinematography. A lot of Play It Safe is silent and the tone is primarily set through the body language of lead actor Jonathan Ajayi. Ajayi delivers an incredible performance that’s accentuated by the camera angles and lighting. This is a masterclass in building tension and subverting expectations.


There was some inconsistent performances from the cast. Jonathan and Heather both felt believable, but the other students didn’t seem to match the performances of the leads.

Director Mitch Kalisa

Synopsis: Coaxed into playing a racial typecast in a fellow student’s play, Black drama student Jonathan is faced with all too familiar decision: to challenge prejudice, or play it safe.
Cast: Jonathan Ajayi, Heather Alexander, Kate Ovenden, Charlie O’Connor, Louis Richards, Grace Daly, Lauren Raisbeck, Emily Seale Jones
Director: Mitch Kalisa
Executive Producer: Kadri Mahmoud, Chris Toumazou
Producer: Chris Toumazou
Screenwriter: Mitch Kalisa
Cinematographer: Jaime Ackroyd
Editor: Mitch Kalisa

SXSW 2021

Comment with Facebook
  • 8/10
    Acting - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Cinematography - 8/10
  • 6/10
    Plot/Screenplay - 6/10
  • 7/10
    Setting/Theme - 7/10
  • 5/10
    Buyability - 5/10
  • 6/10
    Recyclability - 6/10
User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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