Mulan is bringing the action in this new featurette

There’s a new featurette out showing the stunts of the upcoming live action disney remake of Mulan. I have high expectations for this big budget blockbuster and I really want to see this movie do justice to the original film. Curious about how much action we’ll see? Check it out:

I know that some folks have had mixed reactions to Disney’s live action remakes thus far but I’ve really enjoyed them. I get Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon vibes from Mulan which is a realy good thing. The action looks fun and fluid with a lot of large ensemble scenes choreographing some epic battles. Overall, I’m really excited and can’t wait for the release.

What do you think of the live action films thus far? Are you looking forward to Mulan?

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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