“The Wave”: What the HELL just washed over me?

I like Justin Long. I have since I first became aware of him as an actor in the quirky NBC TV dramedy, “Ed”.

Long stars in the new drugamedy (yeah, that’s now a thing ;]), “The Wave”. Talk about your flick that can not decide what it wants to be. Among the litany of genres explored in this all over the map movie, what exactly is it we’re shooting for here, people? Might it be, oh, I dunno (deep breath)…

Stoner saga? Anti-drug treatise? Screwball comedy? Unlikely romance? Existential drama? Total mind fuck? Let’s pick a vibe and ride with it already, man.

“The Wave” is saved from total wash out by Long’s engaging lead role as a suppressed corporate drone and p-whipped hubby. Just don’t expect to be submerged in enchantment.

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"The Wave": What the HELL just washed over me?
  • 6.5/10
    Acting - 6.5/10
  • 7/10
    Cinematography - 7/10
  • 5/10
    Plot/Screenplay - 5/10
  • 5/10
    Setting/Theme - 5/10

"The Wave": What the HELL just washed over me?

Let’s pick a vibe and ride with it already, man.

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About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @: The Quick Flick Critic Thanks guys! John

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