Trailer: In The Heights is the New York Musical we NEED

In the Heights is a new musical coming from the director of Crazy Rich Asians and shares a new view of the famed Washington Heights. If you’re unfamiliar with the named section of Manhattan then this trailer provides a glimpse into the world inhabited and usually only visited by residents of the neighborhood.

As someone who grew up in the Bronx I see so much that feels familiar in this trailer. Walking down a NYC block in the summer and seeing a fire hydrant converted into a cooling/sprinkler station is a NYC staple and I feel sorry for those who don’t experience this phenomena in life. I see so many small things that I take for granted in this trailer that I can’t help but get excited about seeing this interpreted into a musical.

The music in this trailer seems pretty catchy but I’m no huge musical aficionado so take my opinion there with a grain of salt, but I’m intrigued! What do the rest of you think of this trailer? Yay or nay?

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Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink