First Images from Bill and Ted Face The Music

Bill and Ted are about to face the music in a new movie. I never thought I would get to type those words. Yes, 2019 is going down as the year where old Hollywood promises are finally being fulfilled. Bill and Ted 3 is one of those movies that have been rumored for years with no real progress toward production. I promise you this was on my list of movies that would never get made but here we are.

So there’s a lot to say about these images. For one, I never realized how much Jeremy Renner and Alex Winter look related until now. Also, seeing a clean faced Keanu is going to take some getting used to. Also, I’m going to tell my grandkids that the telephone booth was the old school Amazon locker.

2020 is looking better and better every day.

[Orion Pictures]


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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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