Can Spider-Man Far From Home Fix This MCU Plot Hole?

The MCU is no stranger to leaving some loose ends in their cinematic universe whether those be intentionally or by mistake. I suppose we could loosely call them plot holes, that is until the MCU addresses it with a convenient way of presuming it was left unaddressed on purpose. Either way, it’s always fun to speculate on those loose ends and see how they can be fixed down the road. With Spider-Man: Far From Home about to debut, I thought it would be fun to think about a loose end from Captain Marvel. What I’m referring to is the missing Skrull that has gone unaccounted for. In this video I’ll address some popular theories that may seek to resolve that issue and I’ll give you my best guess as to who that missing Skrull may be impersonating. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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About Emmanuel "E-Man" Noisette

Emmanuel is a Chicago film critic who founded Eman's Movie Reviews. He freelances as a writer and video content creator for sites such as Be sure to join the other 33K+ fans on his Facebook Fan Page for even more movie opinions and fun. Feel free to contact him with any professional inquiries: [email protected]