“Miriam Graves”: Profound in it’s Plainness



Newcomer Shelli St. George is not your typical L.A. leading lady in a far from typical starring role.

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"Miriam Graves": Profound in it's Plainness
  • 6.5/10
    Acting - 6.5/10
  • 6.5/10
    Cinematography - 6.5/10
  • 6.5/10
    Plot/Screenplay - 6.5/10
  • 7/10
    Setting/Theme - 7/10

"Miriam Graves": Profound in it's Plainness

Writer/Director Richard Tur has created a woman and a world here that reaches the soul.

About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @: http://thequickflickcritic.blogspot.com/ Thanks guys! John

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