5 Most Popular Beard Style in Films

You may have noticed that people have started appreciating the purpose of beards as part of fashion. At one point in time, big beards were viewed as a lack of grooming on the individual. Lately, people have embraced the fact that beards are a great way to showcase your personality to other people. You may have noticed some of your favorite movie actors sporting some really neat beards and wanted to learn more on how they picked their look. You may want to copy the styles from film stars but you may not know the name of that specific style. Here is a list of popular styles used in most films.

The Balbo

Balbo is one of the common styles used by many stars at the moment, especially in Hollywood. One actor who dresses this beard so nicely is Robert Downey. Robert represents his brand so well to the point that the style has become his for many years. To get this look for yourself you have to develop a FULL beard, not the scattered fur that grows sparingly on some people’s face. Meaning, you first have to go unshaven for roughly one month.

Additionally, ensure that you have an excellent moustache to ensure that the razor has something to trim off. Once your facial hairs are fully grown, you can use either an electric beard trimmer or manual razor to shave off the hairs on the side of your face. After that, take utmost care as you shape the remaining part of the beard to fit the Balbo style.

Circle Beard

This is a common beard. The style leaves a moustache and a round goatee type of beard. This is an elegant style as all you need to do is grab the best fade clippers in the market to trim the beards to a petite size. Hence, if you want a clean and maintainable look, then this is the way to go. Making a perfect circle can be quite difficult so you may want to have a barber do the outline for you and then determine a maintenance method.

Full beard

If you want to get the coolest beard in the market, try a full beard. The beard enhances your facial features making them as manly as possible. Unfortunately, this beard is very difficult to grow as it depends on a number of factors. You have to be able to grow thick hair all around your face without patches. We figure this will take about two months without shaving to start. After this time has passed you can trim and adjust as desired.

Short stubble

If you love simplicity, this is the way to go. Short stubble style does not require a lot of attention nor is it difficult to achieve this look. To get started all you should need to do is not shave for about a week. Once you get a little growth you can trim and adjust as needed. You may want to trim often to keep it as neat as possible.


Imperial beard

If you want to stand out from the crowd, try this style. Some people prefer calling it ‘the moustache’ since the whole beard is shaved off leaving the moustache alone. If you wish to accentuate this style, it is recommendable that you use a beard wax.


If someone wants to appear manly and warm, beards are the way to go. If you desperately need beards, you can strategically purchase one and trim it to your style. However, real beards are attractive as one can shave any desired style. Don’t just settle for any style only because it looks cool on your favourite actor. What might look good on others does not guarantee the same on you.

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