Glass International Trailer M Night in peak form?

Say what you want about M. Night Shyamalan and his less than stellar movies, the man has made some classic movies, hes the king of the plot twist. Granted for a while there it felt like he got bogged down in having a mandatory plot twist and we ended up with some real stinkers, The Happening anyone?

However this time around we are seeing one of his best (Unbreakable) merging with (in my opinion his reawakening) Split, and the result is Glass. Now this looks like a great movie! Did you know that at online casino you can always play movie related games, that features all your movie starts visit punt online casino to see it for yourself.

Check out the latest trailer here:


The cast has been great from the get go, but I really love the addition of Sarah Paulson by now she should be having kiwi pokies dedicated to her talent but all things in good time like fine wine. I for one cant wait to see what happens in Glass come January 18th!

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