London Fields is THAT Depp/Heard movie

So I got a chance to check out the trailer for London Fields and I have to admit that the whole thing leaves me with mixed feelings. On one hand I know about all of the headlines and negative press associated with the former couple. On the other hand I know the insane amount of talent in this movie and what they can potentially do when properly motivated.

There’s a lot going on in that trailer and it’s ironic that it’s the insane power wielded by Heard in this movie that’s used as the focal point of the story. It’s a movie that I have a guilty interest in seeing. I want to know how one woman can hold so much power over so many men. The trailer does a great job in inspiring ideas in how this is accomplished while simultaneously leaving a little black envelope of an invitation to “click for more”.

I’m torn.

Should we or shouldn’t we? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

“This is the story of a murder. It hasn’t happened yet. But it will. (It had better.) I know the murderer, I know the murderee. I know the time, I know the place. I know the motive (her motive) and I know the means… I know who will be the foil, the fool, the poor foal, also utterly destroyed. I couldn’t stop them, I don’t think, even if I wanted to.”

Martin Amis, “London Fields”

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink