Henry Cavill’s cryptic Superman Post

Well, Henry Cavill has decided to respond to the breaking news that he was exiting the DCEU and vacating his role as Superman in a most peculiar fashion. The British actor has taken to social media and posted a very very cryptic video with some very very… you know what, screw it. Check out the video for yourself:

Today was exciting #Superman

Today was exciting#Superman

Posted by Henry Cavill on Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What the absolute eff was that. What is this supposed to mean? Is he re-assuring us of his commitment to the role with that T-shirt and doll? What’s with the music? Why no words? WHY POST THIS AT ALL!?

Words cannot describe this absolute utter mess surrounding the DC cinematic universe. I think E-man summed it best with this :

nuff said.



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink