The Flashpoint Ploint REVEALED!!!

The DCEU is in full swing with lots of news coming out of production from the Aquaman movie and the Shazam movie as they progress in development. Another movie spinning out of Justice League will be The Flashpoint movie is starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen A.K.A. The Flash. Comic book fans hear the phrase ‘Flashpoint’ and immediately blush and gush about the film at the mere mention. So what exactly is the big deal? What is this ‘Flashpoint’ and why exactly are comic book fans losing their minds about the Geoff Johns penned storyline? Check out this handy video we put together to get you prepared for what is regarded as one of the greatest Flash stories of all time.

[The Movie Blog Youtube]


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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink