Quick Flick Review: “Faithful” needed less Histrionics, more Subtlety

Faithful is a psychological thriller about a woman named Lauren who’s struggling in her relationship with a cheating husband.

I often have the opportunity to review short films by aspiring Directors. By nature the budgets are minimal and the scripts spare. Still, the end result varies widely in terms of quality. The new short “Faithful” falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

Watch my Video Review for my full take……

Directed By: Niklas Berggren

Starring: Clarissa Hoffmann, Ellis Miller, Cynthia Strahan, Eve Coquillard, Sarah Schulte, Eddy Lee

About John Smistad

I am a voracious writer of Movie Reviews. Check 'em out at my Blog, "The Quick Flick Critic", @: http://thequickflickcritic.blogspot.com/ Thanks guys! John