Can you watch this Star Wars trailer for us?

Yes, it is technically possible to post a new Star Wars trailer without actually watching it. For those who missed it, The Last Jedi director, Rian Johnson, actually warned the internet that any Star Wars trailer from this point forward should be considered spoiler. I hate posting spoilers and go out of my way to avoid discussing too much plot in films as a general rule. Not sharing is very counter intuitive for me and the rest of us bloggers. I’m sure you notice that we love posting trailers and reacting to trailers and whatnot.

Something about having Star Wars spoiled really rubs us me wrong way. I usually don’t care and I’m pretty sure that any spoiler I’m avoiding now is going to be ruined by some jerk while waiting in line during opening night but the principle of the whole thing gives me pause.

Star Wars Trailer

I guess overall I should just click play. Maybe I’ll even muster the strength to do a proper trailer reaction. I mean, this kinda stuff will be inescapable… right?

A besides, I doubt Disney will reveal major plot points prior to release. That’s the kind of promotion that you save for the inevitable home release, right? Like they’re not going to confirm that Luke is Snoke in the Star Wars trailer… are they?

[Disney | Lucasfilm]

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Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer |Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink