THE DEFENDERS Get’s A New Trailer & It’s Awesome

THE DEFENDERS Get's A New Trailer & It's Awesome

This is definitely a “in case you missed it” post as I suppose some of you none die hard or super busy Marvel or Netflix fans may not have seen the latest Defenders trailer yet. . .

If you haven’t, you are definitely in for a surprise as this trailer made me more hype then most as you will be able to see in my over the top trailer reaction below (in which I screamed like a maniac).

The Defenders stars just about everyone in the Marvel Netflix universe so far, so if you have enjoyed or started any of those original series, now is the time to catch up and finish them.

While Iron Fist flopped critically, it was not nearly as awful as the critics made it seem, so for some odd reason I feel like this series is going to be not only a better showing for The Iron Fist, but for the whole Netflix Marvel universe together. . .

Oh and Elektra is the villain and more bad-ass than ever.

See it for yourself below. . .

Watch MARVEL’s The Defenders Trailer:

Did you scream a “helllll yea” at the same parts that I did? Watch me scream like a maniac below, as I struggle to contain my hype for the upcoming Netflix series this fall. . .

Watch The Defenders Trailer Reaction:

Sorry, I couldn’t contain my Marvel Netflix fanboy hype. . .

Anyway, if you enjoyed my reaction, feel free to subscribe for a whole lot more outta control movie fun.

The Defenders debuts on August 18th, so get ready to binge until your eyes come out.

About Matthew Dandridge

Matt resides in Atlanta, and does everything through freelance writing and acting. Visit his movie site at for even more in depth movie fun !Please contact: Matt@TheMovieBlog for any inquiries.