Marco Polo Season 1: The Wayfarer

Marco Polo Season 1: The Wayfarer

So we recently decided to start dipping our toes into the wonderful world of television! It’s a cool new venture for us and somehow I was elected as the perfect guinea pig person to help lead this new move. We started things out slow over on our YouTube channel with discussion and analysis of Marvel’s Iron Fist and today I wanted to share with you guys our first video for Netflix’s Marco Polo.

Marco Polo is a show that I enjoy a lot and you can find my thoughts and discussion on the first episodes, The Wayfarer, in the video below.

We don’t typically post these things here on the site to keep things movie related however if you’re interested in following along with our video discussions on television, trailer reactions, and video reviews then be sure to check out our YouTube channel and subscribe to stay up to date!

That’s all for now…

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer |Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink