Must See Movies Released In January

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January is coming to a close, so it’s time to look back at the best Blu-ray and limited releases of the month. A heavy selection of movies based on a true events and military themed. Onto the movies:


This is a clever and exciting conspiracy thriller about two CIA agents that go undercover at NASA and disguise themselves as documentary filmmakers in hopes to catch a Russian mole. There is a lot of intrigue and suspense that not only will appeal to fans of NASA, but everyone who loves a mystery. It has many tie-ins to the Cold War traveling to the moon, and even Stanley Kubrick. The film has a very classic look that fits the timeframe of the late 60’s. The cast is small but effective, mainly three actors taking up the bulk of the scenes (Matt Johnson, Owen Williams and Josh Boles). This is one of those under-the-radar films that you might not have heard of, but really should see.

Operation Avalanche is out now on DVD

About Jim Alexander

When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.