Chinese Films Go Global!

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We’re contacted from aspiring film makers all over the world and as such, we have spam filters to block all e-mails with foreign language text. Somehow these guys slipped through the cracks and I’m somewhat grateful! I love being invited to learn about a film prior to release and Go Global, the Beijing subsidiary of IM Global, devoted to the international publicity of Chinese films contacted us to talk about 2 upcoming films:

A Loner

A Loner is an independent feature directed by young director Xing Xiao, produced by Yourpet Pictures and starring Zhu Xijuan. The film tells the story of an old lady living the last moments of her life with her dog in a courtyard in Beiji ng. The film addresses the issue of empty-nesters and loneliness of the elderly in contemporary China.

Taste of Rice Flower

Like his characters, Peng Fei tries in The Taste or Rice Flower to make it to the overground. Set in Yunnan at the Sino-Burmese border, the film tells the story of a mother coming back to her village to take care of her 13-year-old problem daughter she left behind. The film evokes also traditional beliefs of Dai Minority. The Taste or Rice Flowershows also the contribution of Yunnan social workers and hence got the support of the local government.The film was able to shoot at the Sino-Burmese border despite the war context thanks to the authorization of the local government

Both films are at various stages of production and it’s awesome to see films provide this insight behind the scenes while still in production.

About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

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